27 OCTOBER 1939, Page 13


PRIZES of book tokens for £2 2s. and £i is. arc offered for the best new and original Limerick verses or Clerihews, one line of which must end with one of the following words i Hitler, Ribbentrop, Goering, Goebbels, Stalin, Molotoff, Daladier, Blum, Gamelin, Chamberlain, Churchill, Belisha, Gort. Anyone in doubt as to the correct structure of s Clerihew will find superb examples in Mr. Nicholas Bentley's new book Second Thoughts, which it is the act of a madman not to purchase anyhow.

The result of Competition No. 5 is published on page iU

RULES.—Envelopes should be addressed to the Editor, Th. Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C. x, and marked "Cons. petition No. 7." Entries must be delivered by first post on Friday, November 3rd. The Editor reserves the right to print, in part or in whole, any entry submitted, and to withhold the prize should no entry attain the requisite standard of merit. Competitors are permitted to submit more than one entry, but no competitor is eligible for more than one prize in any given week. Envelopes should bear a tic]. stamp. No entries can be returned. No com- munications to the Editor on any subiect unconnected with the competition should be sent in the same envelope as an entry. A breach of any of these regulations will cause the entry to be disqualified.