27 OCTOBER 1950, Page 3

Mr. Evelyn Waugh has recently written a book (which I

have not read) called Helena. The' lady concerned was, I believe, a saint. The lady I have to deal with here was, I am afraid, rather otherwise, though her name is Helena too—or at least Helene. Professionally she walked the pave- ments of the Rue Belhomme in Paris, but being politically- minded as well as otherwise she also collected signatures to the now notorious Stockholm peace petition, and, it is said, allowed a professional discount to every signatory. But the 14th Correctional Chamber taking a jaundiced view of all this, Helene has found herself faced with fifteen days' imprison- ment and a fine of 10,000 francs. I feel sure that none of this kind of thing ever happened to St. Helena.

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