27 SEPTEMBER 1834, Page 9



The Consol Market has continued in the same apathetic state as for the last few weeks: the transactions in it, and in the English Funds generally, have been quite unimportant. Some demand for mooey has occurred this week : it is partly attributable to some mercantile failures which accursed on Monday, whence some mistrust has arisen among the leading capitalists.: and partly to the numerous speculations now on foot in Foreiga Securities. The business of the Foreign Market has been confined to Spanish and Portuguese Bonds. The fluctuations of the former have been very considerable, and the transactions extensive. In the early part of the week, the disposition to realize, which we noticed in our last, continued; and the price of tortes Bondi was depressed, by the large sales made, to 50/. They however speedily rallied ; aud after being at 54a, have again declined, and close at 534 54. The delivery of Money Stock this week has been very great ; and from the consequent heaviness of the market, a considerable fit'l was anticipated. The recent debates in the ortes have, however, reassured the speculators; and the reaction of the market, caused by large nerchases, cam-tied the price nearly to the former high quotations. To-nay the purchases have not been continued ; and the market closes heavi'v. at the prices above cited. The Portuguese Bonds have not fluctuated so rotich as they usually do; and the business in them has not been so extensive as usur'. The price of the Five per Cents, has fluctuated between a per Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account 90/ 901 Dutch 2/ per Cents. French i 3 per Cents

511 1

3/ per Cent. Annuities 99 .1

Greek, 1833. 5 per Cents

Bank Stuck

Mexican 6 per Cents. 40 * 1 'tuba Stock .

Exchequer Bills

263 43 P Portnoese 5 per Cents

Do. Regency Scrip. 5 per Cent

801 81

Belgian 5yer Cents

99/ lOfl

Prussian,1818, 5 per Cent...

Brazilian a per tents

Russian, 1822.5 per Cent...

104 /

Danish 3 per Cents 75i

Spanish. 1831.5 per Cent... 53/ 1

and n2l. In noticing the new Six per Cent. Stock last week, we omitted to State that it was issued to the extent of 1,000,000 sterling at 93, and is to be redeemed at par, in twenty half-yearly portions; the number of the Bonds to be paid off at the expiration of each term to be decided by a lottery, so that the whole be redeemed at par in ten veers. The price is between 94 and 95, Sonic demand has occurred for Dutch Five per Cents. and Belgian Bonds; both a which have been as high as 100, the highest quotation either of them has yet reached. The speculation in South American Stock still continues; but the prices of any of the Bonds have not improved upon those given in our last.


Spanish Stock has declined, and at one time in the course of the morning has Lees as low as 3t3i ; but has since rallied, and the present price is 5:3i 1. 13y the Confiance steamer, intelligence of a late date has been received from Lisbon. The young Queen had been declared of age, and a change of Ministry had taken place; the Dukes of PA LIIELLA and TERCEIRA having joined the presen tAd minis- tration, and CA RYA L HO still retaining the Ministry of Finance. The pt ice of the Bonds has been as high as 81i, but is now lower, 801, 4. SATURDAY, FO,YR O'CLOCK.

Spanish Stock has risen in price in the afternoon ; and is now 53i 4. Por-

tuguese Bonds close at 801 81.