27 SEPTEMBER 1902, Page 23


Fragments of Memory and Fancy. By Baroness GIsterreicher. (Chapman and Hall. 6s.)—The writer of this book must have derived much consolation in her path through life, which, like that of us all, was not always in sunshine, from her appreciation of Nature and art, and her taste for drawing and verse-making. In her youthful days she travelled over a great part of Europe in the leisurely fashion of years ago, which enabled travellers to see something of the country and people, instead of rushing through it "whirr, whirr all by wheels, whizz, whizz all by steam," as the Pasha says in " Eothen." Sbe visited the Riviera before it became vulgarised, and her first impression of Rome was driving at mid- night through the Porta del repots, instead of being turned out at the railway station. Germany and Switzerland were familiar to her, but her most enticing description is that of Abbazia in Carinthia; where, besides many charms, mosquitoes are unknown, and the windows may be left open all night without fear of fever. The sketches and poems which adorn the volume are all original, the work of the author.