27 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 20


[To the Editor of Tim SrEcrwron.] Sia,--I am sorry if 1 have misrepresented the proposal of Lord Noel-Buxton and Sir John Harris. It seemed to me that their proposal in itself was much in line with those that had been made by Mr. George Lansbury, the Archbishop of York, the National Peace Council, the National Free Church Council and others, all of which contained the great danger of putting the last portions of Africa under , foreign political, control. Since I wrote there has been even stronger -support for the proposal that the League of Nations should control all African colonies, and Professor Arnold Toynbee has gone the length of saying that such control should be " for the common good of Europe," and that " on such lines we might even succeed in founding on African soil the United States of Europe."

This made me feel that it was necessary for someone to point out the danger of any scheme .that disregarded the political rights of the African people themselves. The mistake I made, apparently, was in associating the particular proposal made by Lord Noel-Buxton and Sir John Harris with the others, and for this I am sorry and apologise.—Yours sincerely,