27 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 42


By the death, which occurred on Friday last week, of Mr, Henry Bell, a Director of Lloyds Bank, the City has suffered the loss of one who will always be regarded as one of the leading bankers of the present generation. Indeed it speaks volumes for the position achieved by Mr. Bell in the banking world that although he retired from the chief Managership of Lloyds Bank some twelve years ago he was still regarded as one of our leading banking authorities. From the lowest position in the bank he rose to that of Chief General Manager, while his subse- quent appointment to the Board was a recognition of his exceptional abilities and exceptional services. On the occasion of his retirement the Chairman of Lloyds Bank, in announcing the fact to the shareholders at the General Meeting, said : "Mr: Bell has a record behind him of which any man might be proud. Certainly, we are proud of it on his account, while for what he has done for the bank our gratitude cannot be adequately expressed." During the Great War' Mr. Bell served• upon. many committees and his counsels were greatly valued upon all of them. A. W. K.