27 SEPTEMBER 1946, Page 14


SIR,—Mr. Connell's letter is so disarming, in contrast to the passion usually aroused by praise of Vigo's work, that I have some hope for hint as" a potential convert when he sees, as I trust he will, the forthcoming revival of " L'Atalante." On his main contention I will say only this. I do not think, nor did I wish to suggest, that Vigo made " Zero de Conduite " with an audience of adolescents in mind. The film appeals to the- recollection of youthful dreams and fantasies by the adult ; we all of us carry much of our own youth with us all our lives, at any rate in our sub-conscious, and it is no bad thing, even if it is at times dis- turbing, to be given a conscious reminder of one of the most important periods of our existence, when dreams and reality are, not without great and intrinsic value, intermingled. If " Children at School " had a quarter of the imaginative spark of " Zero de Concruite," it would be so much the better a film.—Yours faithfully, BASIL WRIGHT. o Great Chapel Street, London, W.z.