28 APRIL 1832, Page 7

The following is a list of the company present during

the week.

Duke of Rutland, Duke and Duchess of Richmond, Duke of Portland, Duke of Graf- ton ; Marquis Graham, Marquis and Marchioness of Tavistock, Marquis and Mar- chioness of Exeter, Marquis of Worcester, Marquis and Marchioness of Cleveland; Earl and Countess of Chesterfield, Earl and Countess of Wilton, Earl of Mountellarles, Earl of Lichfield, Earl of Stradbroke, Earl of March, Earl of Uxbridge, Earl of Oxford, Earl Verulam ; Count Orloff, Count Matuschewitz, Count Bathiany ; Lord George Bentinck, Lord John Fitzroy, Lord C. Manners, Lord W. Paulett, Lord R. Grosvenor. Lord Wharncliffe, Lord Lowther, Lord Villiers, Lord Albemarle, Lord Adolphus Fitz- clarence; Sir James Graham, Sir Sandford and Lady Graham ; Hon. - Butler, Hort. General and Mrs. Grosvenor, Hon. Colonel and Mrs. Anson, Hon. S, Wortley, Hon. W.. Stanley, lion. Capt. Rous ; Sir AL Wood, Sir V. Cotton, Sir L. Glyn, Sir J. Shelley; Col. Russell, Col. Udney, Col. Peel, Col. Wilson, CoL Sowerby, Col. Corby, CoL Wool- aston ; Capt. and Lady Agnes Byug, Capt. Hunter, Capt. Grant ; Messrs. Greville. T. buncombe, M.P., Houldsworth, M.P., Sloane Stanley, Hunter, Willan, Worrall, G. Walker, Stonehewer, C. Wilson Waddington, Batson, hush, Roberts, M.P., 11nls5rts. M.P., Thornhill, J. Cooke, Irby, Mills. M.P L. Stephens, Newton, Ooakiiston. oake, Mitford, Dowdeswell, Arbuthnot, Shard, Scr.