28 APRIL 1838, Page 10


STOCK EXCHARCII, FRIDAY AYTMINOOL The prices of the English Funds have not varied above A per cent. since our last ; and the business that has occurred has been but trifling, the transactions having been confined to uniinportant nioney business, no extemive speculative batgains having been entered into. There seems a tendency in the market to decline. This may be accounted for by the state of commercial affairs in Am.. rice, which will render necessary the export of a considerable quantity of gold from this country, and which, by paralyzing our commercial and manufse• toting activity, gives little hope of an increased revenue for the current quarter. Money, however, still continues very abundant ; the rate of commercial discoma being 2' per cent. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has consequently in). proved, and is to-day 70s. India Bonds are 78 mem. India Stock has risen 11 per cent., the price being 271i. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Active Stock has improved, having risen hem 20A to 20i, in consequence of the revolt of the Guipuscoans; but there have not been any extensive transactions in it. The Deferred Stock has risea from 8 to 81, and some extensive and continued purchases have been made in it ; it being understood that, in spite of their financial difficulties, the Goverfl. tricot of Aladrid have determined to fulfil that part of their contract with the Bondholders, by which they are to convert 1-12th part of this Stock into Acura Bowls on the 1st of May next ; anti that the drawing of the lottery, by which the numbers of the bonds tube converted is to be decided, will take place in Madrid at the time appointed. Portuguese Stock had improved slightly upon our last quotations, but has fallen back the whole of its advance. The Dutch and Northern European Stocks have been steady at outlast prices. Russian Bonds have been done at 1111. The South American Securities have also been firmer ; and Mexican floods have improved about a per cent.

The heavier description of Railway Shares have continued firm, and in some cases improved ; but the minor varieties have all gone back, though in some cases they have recovered in a slight degree. The Brighton and IllaFkwall, which have been at la, are to-day 11 to 2 prem. Manchester and Burning- ham have declined to la prem., and are heavy at that quotation. The multi- plication of Asplialte Companies still continues, and has caused a declihe in the price of sume of the existing Shares: both the Bastan and British have fallen about 2/. per share; Claridge's are also lower, and after beiug at 15 jesterday, are to.day 12 to 14.

The Bank Shares are still in demand ; Union Australian being 0a to 41 prem., and Canada 21 3 prem.


Very little has occurred here this morning ; and though the English Stock alatket is heavy, the prices are nominally the same as yesterday. In the. Foreign Market, Spanish Stock is higher ; 'viz. Active 201 1 ; Deterred 81 I' Passive 4:4 S. The other Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are at yester- day's quotations.

3 per Cent.Consols 93} ,} Brazilian 5 per Cents 76i Ditto for Account Haunt' 74e 3 per Cent. Rettueea 92* i Dntell 2} Inn Ci-itt: ......... 54e New 34 per tttutt. Anus Itilli i PottilLttike Iti•ooirt. 5 11. rti, 32} 3 Hank Stock l'1051 6 Ditto ;i ver l'init

I tailiaStock 27(14 l Itit,.iiitti( 1,441: t 5 pot rein ...111i 114

Ditto Bowls 75 SOlitni Stiunii,li tIS.,:r) 5 per cent... } i Exchequer Hills IiS 701iin Iterrireil Stock rt 4 belgiutt 5 per Conts PM} 4 Pessive Ditto 4t 5