28 APRIL 1855, Page 6

CO Court.

Tux Queenz.surrounded by her family and attendants, bade farewell to her Imperial visitors, from the grand entrance at Buckingham Palace, on Saturday morning. New visitors—the Princess of Hohenlohe Lan- genbourg and her children—arrived at Buckingham Palace on Tues- day; and they have shared the gayeties of the Court. On Monday, her Majesty was present at the Princess's Theatre, on Tuesday at the Italian Opera, and on Thursday at the Haymarket Theatre. Wednesday was the seventy-ninth birthday of the Duchess of Gloucester • and the Queen, Prince Albert, the young Princes and Princesses, and her Ma- jesty's guests, offered the congratulations and attentions usual on such an occasion. On Thursday, her Majesty and Prince Albert visited the Exhibition of the New Society of Painters in Water-Colours.

It has been-officially announced that the Queen will bold Drawingrooms at St. James's Palace on the 2d and 19th May ; the latter in celebration of her Majesty's birthday, when the Knights of the several orders arc to wear their collars.

On quitting her Majesty, the Emperor and Empress of the French drove to the Bricklayer's Arms station, and proceeded by the South-Eastern Rails way to Dover ; Prince Albert and the Duke of Cambridge accompanying them. At Dover they embarked on board the Empress steamer. There the final leave-taking took place, and Prince Albert kissed the left hand of the Empress at parting. There was no fog this time : a bright sky overhead —the shore crowded with people—a salute from the guns of the war-ships lying in the roads, as the steamer sped her way to Boulogne.