28 APRIL 1855, Page 6


The Lord Mayor gave a farewell banquet on Saturday to Baron Hanss- man, Prerect of the Seine, and the other representatives of the Munici- pality of Paris. He had invited to meet them the Bishop of London, Lord Campbell, the Earl of Cardigan, and Sir John Burgoyne; and after the dinner, the speechmaking consisted of an interchange of compliments between the guests of both nations' Lord Cardigan pronouncing Napo- leon the Third to be the great man of the epoch ; and the French speakers enlarging on the Anglo-French Alliance. The Prefect of the Seine and his colleagues departed for Paris on Sunday morning.

At a meeting of the Court of Aldermen, on Tuesday, the Lord Mayor announced that the Queen had been pleased to make him a Baronet; and that the Emperor had presented him with a "beautiful snuffbox, studded with diamonds." Lord Palmerston bad written him a "beautiful letter," which he would reserve for a full Court of Common CounciL

A deputation from the parishes in the district known as the Tower Hamlets waited upon Sir Benjamin Hall on Saturday, to state their views with regard to the Metropolis Local Management Bill. Concur.. lag entirely in its general principles, they pointed out what they con- ceived defects in detail—such as the qualification of 401. for voters under Hobhouse's Act ; which Sir Benjamin promised to reduce to 25L in these parishes where there are but few houses rated at 40/. Another matter of objection was the salary which it is proposed to give to the Chairman of the Central Board : Mr. Offer proposed to pay each member 1001 a year, instead of giving the Chairman 2000/. To that Sir Benjamin could by no means consent, as the post of Chairman would be one of great re- sponsibility.

Sarah Redmond has been committed for shoplifting, by the Marlborough Street Magistrate. She took a waistcoat; challenged with the fact, she adopted the language used by a lady in a recent case, and said she "did not intend to steal it—in fact, did not know that she had it." Mr. Brough- ton sent the case to a jury, with the remark that "it was impossible to say what view a jury would take of it."

The charges against Mr. Bishop of Bond Street, of acting as a go-between in the recovery of stolen dogs have been dismissed by the Marlborough Street Magistrate, on the ground diet he had not acted "corruptly" by receiving money in the transaction. Mr. Bishoppromised never to do the like again. The charge against Moore, employed to recover the dog, was also dismissed.