28 APRIL 1883, Page 1

After this speech, the debate sank into insignificance. Mr. Stanley

Leighton deprecated the pulpit eloquence of Mr. Gladstone,—unfortunately, eloquence like his is extremely rare in the pulpit or out of it, and Mr. Stanley Leighton is no judge of either,—Lord Algernon Percy was struck by the want of argu- ment in the debate, and proceeded to illustrate that deficiency ; Mr. Gibson said the oath at present embodied the apostolio precept, "Fear God, and honour the King ;" but if you.got rid of the fear of God, the honour of the King would not long remain. The name of God was to be shut out of the House of Commons, in order to get Mr. Bradlaugh into it. Mr. Osborne Morgan replied to Mr. Gibson, and the debate, which had little or no life in it after Mr. Gladstone sat down, was at length adjourned, on the motion of Lord R. Churchill.