28 APRIL 1888, Page 3

The Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Ser- vants held a

very successful annual meeting at London House, the residence of the Bishop of London, on Wednesday, Sir Edmund Henderson in the chair. Very striking speeches were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Acworth, the Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Mrs. Temple, and Miss Gaskell, all of them impressive illustrations of the great work now being done for the poor little "scrubs," or maids-of-all-work, whom our pauper-schools send out. Miss Gaskell's address was full of the most interesting and humorous illustrations of the sort of blossoms which these scrubby plants of pauperdom put forth under the humanising influence of genial friends, who find them counsel, sympathy, and every kind of moral help. Miss Gaskell's address should be published, as it no doubt will be. It was full of literary suggestion as well as of pathetic interest. We heartily desire for the Association a much more generous support than it receives at present. For even now it keeps nearly seven thousand girls from falling back into the pauper class. Subscriptions may be sent to the office of the Associa- tion, 18 Buckingham Street, Strand.