28 APRIL 1894, Page 19

We observe with regret the death yesterday week at Tervoe,

Limerick, of Lord Emly, one of the staunchest Unionists, as well as one of the staunchest Catholics, of Ireland, who has always been a resident proprietor, and as earnest an Irishman as he was a Unionist. He was a Member of Mr. Gladstone's first Government, and had much to do with shaping that wise and generous Catholic University scheme of 1873, which the Irish Catholic Bishops, after much wavering, ulti- mately rejected. Mr. Monsell (created Lord Emly on Mr. Gladstone resignation in 1874) was a steady supporter of Mr. Gladstone's till the unfortunate Home-rule policy of 1886 was adopted, after which be firmly supported the Liberal Unionists, thereby incurring great unpopularity in Ireland, and especially in the county of Limerick, where he had been a man of much influence and authority. He was an intimate friend of Cardinal Newman, whom be followed into the Roman Catholic Church. Newman's letters to Lord Emly constitute, we believe, one of the most characteristic and valuable of the series of letters which the Cardinal left behind him. Lord Emly had in him a great store of modest enthusiasm.