28 APRIL 1917, Page 11


Sia,—Your highly interesting revelation about the visit of the Kaiser's brother to the United States in 1902 reminded me that the Pan-German Professor von Halle, in his book T'olks-und- Scewirthschaft, published in 1902, said :—

"Without a military understanding with Germany, Holland will find it impossible to protect her possessions in the East and West Indies from the aggressiveness and ruthless seizures of Great Britain and the United States. Java and Curacoa can only be saved from the fate that has overtaken the Philippines and Porto Rico by being brought under the protection of the German Fleet. At the same time, it is unquestionably Germany's interest to take timely measures for protecting her growing trade with the Dutch East Indies from the danger of being hindered or restricted with which she is now faced in the Philippines."

Like America, Holland did not listen to the whistling Prussian

London Editor of the Amsterdam Tclegraaf. 40 Minster- Road, N.IV, 2.