28 APRIL 1917, Page 15



S1R,—I travelled in the twain last Saturday with three soldiers. One was an argument for War-time Prohibition. The second, home on leave, gave us to understand that he was thoroughly "fed up" with everything, though I could not help feeling Opt his grousing was put on to impress a well-nourished civilian of military age who sat opposite him. The third was a boy who didn't look more than nineteen, had lost his voice from shell. shock. and could only speak in 'the faintest whisper. The " fed- up " soldier, having vented a somewhat cynical remark on dis- charges, this boy observed in his ghostly voice : "I've been offered my discharge twice; if, they offer it to me again I shall tell them I

won't take it for a thousand pounds."—! am, Sir, Le., G.

• " Whon 'we tot Within the Irofi gates we become aware that some seven centuries have loft their anark on the building, so that .,•haps my perplexity may be understood when I was once asked, • Who wee the builder of the house? ' "—Associated Architectural Societies' Reports-, Vol. EXXIL, p, tee.