28 APRIL 1917, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—May a country parson endorse the truth of what you say- countryfolk are not appealed to by the Press? They are, at the best, untrained readers and they miss the things which it is most important they should read and heed. The suggestion of a Proclamation is most excellent. That will be read, as it stands by itself—all by itself—and it will be read and explained in our schools. What can you do now to get your suggestion adopted? If you do no more, nothing whatever will come of it—I am, [Petition the Crown through the Home Office, or else write to your M.P. asking him to put pressure on the Government to use a Royal Proclamation in order to make the people understand the Peril in which we stand in regard to food failure.—En. Spectator.]