28 APRIL 1917, Page 16


[To Sex EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] see in your last number a reference to the dogs. The tax in Ireland is only half-a-crown. I have Always advocated an increase-5s. or 7s. 6d. would be perfectly reasonable; 10s. would scarcely increase the produce of the tax, for it would result very likely in the untimely decease of half the dogs in Ireland. The devoted affection of a dog is not a thing to despise. I am eighty years of age. The one daughter who now represents my whole family at home has been from the beginning of the war a hospital nurse, and half her time absent. The two little dogs share my loneliness. My house is run strictly on the Government lines— meatless day and all the rest of it. Do not let us have a massacre of the innocents —I am, Sir, &c., R. Krts KNOX.

[Our correspondent strangely perverts our view. We want no massacre of dogs, and know how greatly they often add to human happiness. But if the Government are not fooling us, and we are sure they are not, it is a ease of choosing between the " massacre " of dogs and the lives of children. Surely Mr. Knox does not mean to tell us that he 'will choose the dogs, or even risk having to make his choice too late rather than enforce a reduction in the number of dogs. We feel sure that he cannot understand the seriousness of the situation.--En. Spectator.]