28 APRIL 1917, Page 16


[To THIS EDITOR Of THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Some years ago in your columns I related a few reminiscences of Swinburne which need a slight correction, and may, I think, be worth repeating. He spoke with warm affection of Jewett, contrasting him rather invidiously with Wall, the Professor of Logic. Of the latter Swinburne said in effect: "His mind is like a knife, sharp but very narrow." Perhaps I may also requote en incident told me by Professor Nichol, who, when Swinburne was unwell, took charge of him. "I have convulsed two con- tinents," said the poet-patient, "and you treat me like a child! " "And if you convulse three continents," roared the Mentor, " I shall go on treating you like a child." Swinburne spoke dis- respectfully of "Clough, Whom his friends found it useless to puff." On the other hand, Dean Stanley told me that Clough was "our Rugby genius." Personally, I should echo this compliment, unless indeed he had a superior in Matthew Arnold. At any rate, Swinburne deserved the praise given him by a Swiss journalist as " la gloire de Balliol."—I am, Sir, Sze.,