28 APRIL 1923, Page 11




THE comments in the American Press on Lord Robert Cecil's mission to the United States are worth reading. He seems to have succeeded in his attempt to arouse interest in the League of Nations. Mr. F. W. Wile, the Washington correspondent of the Sunday Times, thinks that Lord Robert has, without doubt, " stimulated the League throughout America." During his wanderings Lord Robert has emphasized two points : first, that the League is going on whether America comes in or not ; secondly, that, until the United States has something better to offer, American criticism is not very helpful. Some journals refer favourably to the fact that he has suggested various " improvements " in the Covenant, so as to commend it to American opinion. The Lincoln (Nebraska) Inde- pendent quotes one authority as saying that

The Western farmers realize that their prosperity depends on opening the markets of Europe, and they are ready to accept the League or any other international arrangement that would stahilizt foreign conditions and improve our foreign trade."