28 APRIL 1979, Page 35

Deer Mister Calahan,

I Was verry sory indeed to heer of yor sad plite w, hen you were vanqished in the Genrul Election. !IMust be verry hard to leave yor costly residense inDowning Street and hand it over to Missus Thatcher. But I am sure she will be almost as riLeble a Prime Minister as you, and in addition she rails the added advantige of being a lady who does 'ler own shopping. She also keeps her house tidy, sIto she will be able to cope with the Crisiss. And aving such a well brouht-up voice the grate ceders of the world will lissen to her with resPeckt and bow ocasionally. They will be well treeted when she invites them to tea becaus she is kind and she knows how to lay an egg.

terms.wish you a hapy retirement in no uncertin Yors faithfuly, Daisy Ashford (Roger Woddis)

points. The other scores are: Tal 41 (plus a likely win in an adjourned game); Karpov 41 (one adjourned which should be a draw); Hubner 44; Ljubojevic 4 (but he is expected to make 11 from his two adjournments); Timman and Hort both 3, with one adjourned (Timman is winning, Hort losing); Spassky 3; Larsen 11 (two adjourned — a win and a loss); Kavalek 11 with two adjourned, both of which seem to be lost for him. It remains to be seen whether Portisch burnt himself out by his early exertions, or whether he is wisely conserving his energy for the second cycle. Kavalek-Hiibner, Montreal 1979: Caro-Kann Defence.

1 P-K4 P-QB3 2 P-Q4 P-Q4 3 N-Q2 PxP 4 NxP B-B4 6 N-N3 B-N3 6 P-KR4 P-KR3 7 N-B3 N-Q2 8 P-Ft5 B-R2 9 B-Q3 BxB 10 QxB KN-B3 11 B-Q2 P-K3 12 0-0-0 P-B4? Premature. It seems unfair, considering the fate that befell the move in the previous game, but .. Q-B2! is correct. Chess can be very difficult. 13 KR-K1 B-K2 14 P-Q5! A vigorous thrust which exposes the defects of Black's position, such as lack of development and uncastled K. 14 . . . NxQP 15 RxP? Much stronger is 15 N-B5! The text is symptomatic of Kavalek when out of form: brilliant and imaginative, but impulsive and unsound. 15 . . . PxR 16 Q-N6ch K-B! 17 QxKP N-B2 18 Q-B5ch N-B3 19 N-K5 Q-B1 20 N-N6ch Better is 20 0-03 planning R-K1. By trying to regain some of his material White loses momentum. 20. . . K-B2 21 NxRch QxN 22 R-K1 R-K1 23 Q-Q3 P-QN4 24 N-B5 Q-R2 25 P-KN4 P-R3 26 P-QB4 B-B! 27 RxR KxR 28 Q-KB3 Q-NI! 29 Q-B6ch? His last slim chance was 29 P-N3! 29. . . K-Q1 30 B-R5 QxPch 31 K-Ni Q-K5ch 32 QxQ NxQ White resigns. I have always believed that the CaroKann was a safer defence than the Sicilian!