28 APRIL 1990, Page 21

Export example

I CONGRATULATE R. Mears, the in- surance broker, both on its Queen's Award for exports and for saving the City from scoring its second duck in a row. Liking to think that it earns the country's loving as the world's leading exporter of financial services, the City gets this annual chance to prove its point — and muffs it. Last year no City firm won an Award, this year R. Mears is on its own. All the others who complain (as they do) that they are un- loved and unappreciated should note the example, and set theirs. Come on, Barc- lays, Warburg, Cazenove — if an insurance broker can do it, you can do it. For myself, I am curious to know if the winner is related to the Abdul The-Bulbul R. Mears.