28 APRIL 2007, Page 17

Shot in the dark

Sir: Just a thought. Has anyone ever considered the possibility that, if all citizens were armed, the Columbine and Virginia Tech perpetrators would have been shot long before they killed so many (Leading article, 21 April)? Moreover, the 9/11 perpetrators would also have been shot before taking control of the aircraft — 130 armed passengers must trump four armed terrorists. Are proposed gun laws not just a vain attempt at treating an effect rather than stopping the cause? If a murderer knows he will be shot if he steps out of line, he will think twice.

Ray Hattingh

Cape Town, South Africa

Sir: There is something else besides the ownership of weapons which separates America from Europe: we don’t do holocausts, we don’t do world wars and we don’t do unelected totalitarian regimes like the European Union.

Katherine Barlow Austria