28 AUGUST 1830, Page 10

THE Cannos.—It is said that Dr. Gray, Bishop of Bristol,

is not inclined to be translated to Bangor. This, however, will not prevent the promotion of Dr. Philpotts. It is expected that the Bishop of Exeter will be less insensible than the Bishop of Bristol to the beauties of North-Welsh scenery.— Times.

LORD Cnane.—The Directors of the East India Company gave one of their magnificent dinners to the Earl of Clare on Wednesdayeon his appointment to the Presidency of Bombay. The dinner was given in the Albion. All the Ministers in town were present, and the interchange of laudation was truly edifying. The President praised the Ministers, and Lord Rosslyn praised the Directors; Mr. Astell lauded Lord Clare, and Lord Clare lauded Mr. Astell ; Mr. Astell called Lord Ellen- borough a distinguished nobleman, and Lord Ellenborongh promised to exert himself to give effect to the beneficent designs of Government. Mr: Astell then—for he seems not only to have been Chairman, but spokesman throughout the evening—called for a bumper to Sir Robert Peel; and Sir Robert Peel declared that he was quite unprepared for the compliment; which, however, he contrived to return with interest. Ain these complimentary speeches, and half a score more, were, accord- ding to the report, cheered, loudly cheered, loudly and unanimously cheered. Alter this, it was hardly necessary to add that the wines were good.

Mn. Watastv.—A meeting of the friends of Mr. Vt'altley, the editor of the frirecet, took place at the Crown and Anchor on Tuesday night, to -conceit measures for supprutiug him in his canvass for the vacant office of Coroner for Middlesex. Mr. King the surgeon took the -chair, and a number of Other medical practitioners were present. The Chairman addressed the meeting at some length on the advantage to the public from a Coroner's being possessed of a competent knowledge of medicine and medical jurisprudence ; and was followed by Dr. Thomson, who, after adverting to the remarkable case of Eliza Feinting, where the Want of it was severely felt, moved a resolution declaratory of the opinion of the meeting on the necessity of the Coroner to be elected possessing such knowledge ; a second resolution was moved expressive of Mr. Waklev's fitness. Mr. Hunt, who was present, spoke in favour of Mr. Wakle:sds firmness and independence, as well as fitness; and in proofed the desirableness of an independent Coroner, he mentioned several cases wherein he said the Coroner had compromised his duty, particularly the • inquests on the people shot at Manchester, and at the Queen's funeral. We believe it is generally allowed that Mr. Wakley is an intelligent man, and the public have had ample proof of his'activity—two eminent quali. fications for any office, If he succeed in his object, we hope he will set about reforming the Inquest Juries. Our Coroners sometimes act foplishly, and sometimes worse than foolishly ; but their defects are grains in the balance to those of their coadjutors.


The intended new street from Waterloo Bridge to Charles Street, Co- vent Garden, and from thence to Plumtree Street, Bloomsbury, is, at

length, decided upon, and will be commenced immediately; the warrant fiit that purpose was issued to the •Commissioners of Woods and Forests on Thursday last week. The houses of Messrs. Webber, wine-merchant, Davis, hatter, and Meaden, bookseller, in York Street, facing Charles Street, will come down, whilst those of Messrs. Kesteven, clothiers, and Black and Young, booksellers, will, with the necessary alterations, form the corners of the new street. The upper end of the east side of Bow Street, facing Covent Garden Theatre, will be formed into a handsome crescent, for which designs have been submitted and approved ; and by these means the width of the opening into Long Acre will be increased. Immediately facing, a new street will be erected by the Mercers' Com- pany from Long Acre to Plumtree Street, of which Hoelditeh's, the coachmaker, will form the corner. One side of Pluintree Street is to be taken down to increase its width; and the London University, it is said, will forego, for public convenience, its right of private way ; and thus what has so long been considered •a desideratum by many persons will be accomplished—a spacious and convenient thoroughfare from the Great Northern Road to Waterloo Bridge.—Morning Herald.

FLEET MARKET.—Farringdon Street, which for space and work- manship surpaises any thing of the kind in this country, is now com- pleted at an expense of 10,5001. At seven o'clock on Saturday evening, all the barriers were removed.