28 AUGUST 1830, Page 11

THE MURDER IN' LA3IDET11.--The inquest on this murder was ad-

journed from Saturday to Wednesday ; but no fact has been elicited in consequence that was not known when the adjournment took place. A female „named Davis, who lived opposite to the house of the deceased, spoke-tie -the.door being shut eat twenty minute past four on-the alay of the murder; which circumstance was impressed on her Mind front- her husband having his tea sent to him at half-past four. The door was open at four o'clock. Mrs. Davis also stated, contrary to what was for-. merly averred, that at half-past five the dogs barked, and again at six, for a considerable time. A Mrs. Humphries spoke to the door being open at half-past six ; but there was some dispute whether this was on Thursday or Friday. Humphries seemed positive that it was Thurs- day, but other witnesses proved that she must have mistaken the day. A man named Anthony spoke to Ilritharn's coming to his work at half- past four, as he had himself declared on the previous Saturday. There were some spots on Witliam's jacket, which looked like blood ; but they proved to be paint. Pople, the officer, produced a large poker, with which it is now supposed the murder was committed ; it was at first thought that the instrument was a window-bar. The Jury having heard the above and some other evidence of minor importance, returned a verdict of " Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown." Witham, who had been detained, apparently to give something like the appearance of activity to a case where nothing has been or could be done, was not set at liberty notwithstanding the above verdict. There seems to have been a fussiness on the part of the Police Superintendent in respect of this man, which may call for explanation in a court of law.. He has been detained for six days without a shadow of suspicion—save the tardy admission that he was privately married to the deceased, who was more than twice his age—and without a warrant. A cm respondent lately chid us for explaining or rather illustrating the word Gendarmerie by calling it New Police ; but what are we to say of a force by Which a man uncharged and unexamined is detained by a Superintendent in prison for a number of days, and that too in the heart of the metropolis, with a Police Magistrate within hail of the station-house ? If such prac- tices be permitted to pass unchallenged, we shall he justified in terming the New Police, not a Gendarmerie, but something much worse. We have no hesitation in saying, that if a Superintendent or an Inspector have such power, there is an end to everything like freedom in England. On Thursday, Witham was brought up by Mr. Superintendent Dow- ling, to Queen Square Police Office; Mr. Dowton the comedian, who had sat on the Inquest Jury, and several ocher jurors, attended. The case having been delayed for some time' at Mr. Dowling's request, to allow of the witnesses coming forward, Mr. Harmer, the solicitor for Witham, at length got impatient, and asked if any new evidence was expected ; when, to his astonishment no doubt, he was informed that Mr. Dowling only waited for the evidence that had been heard on Saturday and Wednesday at the Inquest. Mr. Gregorie expressed Lis surprise that Mr. Dowling should have brought the case before him, without one tittle of additional evidence to that which had been given before the Coroner's Jury He would not entertain the charge for a single mo- ment. Mr. Gregorie ordered the prisoner to be discharged immediately ; and he received the congratulations of a number of his friends, who were waiting for him, and left the office with his master. . _Witham, it seems' was not yet done with the Police. Immediately after being discharged from Queen Square, Mr. Harmer was in- formed that the officers of Union Hall meant to pounce on him, Peaven -.knows for what. This, howeveri turned out to be a false report; or if ttue, the officers had heard enough to 'induce them to disown. it. . Whets the poor man appeared with his solicitor before .' Mr. Swabey, to complain of the contemplated continuance of his ,sper- .sectitioxi, Chief Constable Hall said, that he had attended an both days of • the hquest, and paid the greatest attention to the evidence;

and after hearing it, he had no doubt as to Witham's innocence ; and nct

officer belonging to that establishment had the most remote idea of taking , him into custody. Mr. Swabey added, that he had no hesitation in say- ing, the detention of Witham in custody at all was contrary to law. If

the Superintendent thought proper to take that person into custody, it was his duty to carry him before a magistrate. Mr. Nash (who is lie ? the Palace-man ?) said, that when he spoke to the Superintendent on the subject of Witham's detention, be said that the latter had expressed a

desire to be taken to the station-house rather than be sent to Horse- monger Lane Gaol, which would have been the case had be been takes-

before a magistrate. Witham said that he never expressed a wish on the subject, but was taken off to the station in the Waterloo Road, and there locked up ever since Friday last.

VICTI3ITZING.—A- fellow named Jones was charged, on Thursday, before the Lord Mayor, with defrauding a numbee of persons by giving

pretended orders for goods, and on the strength of the orders obtaining

small sums by way of loan. One of these cases concerned an accoucheur. Jones rang at the night-bell, and requested that the medical gentleman

would be so good as to put on his clothes, and go to visit his (the pri- soners) wife, who was in the pangs of labour. " Certainly," said the doctor, " go this moment ;" and up he started, although he had just sought repose after the performance of a similar task to that for which . he was preparing. He had scarcely his breeches on, when another ring at the bell introduced the same visiter, with " Doctor, will my wife re- quire a nurse ?" " A nurse! good God, to be sure she will. You

must get one immediately." " Bless me, what shall I do ? No nurse will come at this late hour without money ; and in my hurry and anx- iety, I have not brought out a halfpenny with me." " Never mind that," said the doctor, pulling on his boots, " I'll let you have what will answer the purpose ;" and he handed two half-crowns to the prisoner. The house tu which the doctor had been directed was a police-station; and there was no woman there except one that had been a mother fifty years before. It did not appear that the prisoner had taken in one law- yen The Lord Mayor advised the complainants to get the fellow's like. ness taken by Cruikshanks, and put it in the slang newspapers. POLICE EXCISE3IAN.—The carriage of a gentleman was stopped at the toll at New Cross, by one policeman, while a second opened. the door, and, after inspecting the interior, coolly shut it and walked away. A Mr. Whaley of South Mimms, the brother-in-law of the owner of the carriage, was on the box at the time, and the owner and his lady. were inside. The policemen, it seems, made a report that they had in- formation that contraband goods were in the carriage ! This is the first time we ever heard of a constable stopping a gentleman travelling on the road, on pretence of searching for smuggled gin. Are the-parishes to pay the excisemen under the new system ? G-entlemeo travelling will do well now to carry pistols to defend themselves. frem the -keepers instead of the breakers of the peace.• . • Minn ne bar Oa STINACY.—A man named JosepirPrett washrought -- to Union Hall yesterday, by a policeman-; who said he had. confessed to baying murdered a person at Manchester in 1822, —a Mr. Wood, as was afterwards stated. The fellow seemed very much agitated,. and asked for a pint of beer before lie began his tale, whieh was given hina. When lie had swallowed it, however, notwithstanding the proverbial influence of liquor, he was dumb as ever. The Magistrate at length. asked lahn he intended to say any thing ? " I am mute from obstinacy," muttered the self-accuser. He was detained until inquiries could be made.. The fellow is evidently fishing for a few days' entertainment. The 4etnipvil for porter was a very suspicious symptom. QUACK Doer ORS.—There seems to be a buzz throughout the-country on the subject of quacks. One fellow was tried the other day for ne-

glecting to reduce the dislocated ankle of a child, and-acquitted, because, although, as the judge observed, an abominable quack, he had advised the application of a screw to the ankle, which the father would not pee-

mit. Another, named Ferguson, was tried on Tuesday, at Lancaster, and sentenced to six months' imprisonment, for improper treatment of a female whom he was called in to deliver. The poor woman was safely delivered, but died from flooding. This doctor's fee was 5s. Gd.. He was drunk when he came to see his patient after her delivery

Anson.—At Wells Assizes, on the 19th, six persons—William Wall, John Old, John Rowley, James Rowley, Mary Wall, and Richard Clarke—were indicted for having on the 31st of October last, set fire to three wheat-mows, the property of Benjamin Poole. The prisoners William Wall and Mary Wall were indicted as accessories before the fact, and the others as principals. The coolness with which the crime was gone about seems to have been very great. It was thus described by Isaac Old, the brother of John Old :—" William Wall was convicted

for selling cider without a license, and fined 20/. A man named Par- sons was the witness against him, as I have heard all the prisoners say, George Parsons them lived at Poole's. I heard William Wall say, be-

fore the stacks were burned, that Poole was the cause of his paying, 20/.

I heard William Wall, on the Friday evening before the fire, say to John Rowley, This would be a good night to put fire to farmer Poole's

mows.' Rowley said, 'We'll go and do it by and by.' William Wall

said, I bought the brimstone on purpose.' I had seen the .brimstone in the cupboard for a long time. It was a large roll, almost as big as my

arm. I had before heard Wall say to John Rowley and James Rowley,

that they were d—d fools not to do farmer Poole some injury. My bro. thee James and Poole had some words about some hay. Wall said, if he was in my brother's place, he would do Poole some injury for having made him (James Old) pay the money. He would have cut off his horses' legs, or done him some other harm. I have heard-Mary Wall

say she would not begrudge giving a pound to any body that would set

the mows on fire. Richard Clarke and John Rowley, and several others, were present. On the morning of the day when the fire took piers I and several of the others got up early to load the farmer's potatoes for Bristol. When he went away Mary Wall took a spade and put it on the fire, and then put the brimstone on it. .After it was melted she took some slips of paper and dipped one or two of them hi it. Richard Clarke also dipped some. Mary Wall then got rags and made some tinder. She then-went up stairs, brought dawn a flint, and gave it to Richard Clarke, • who put it into his pocket, together with some paper and matches. She asked Clarke if he wanted a steel. He said he did not, as he could strike with his knife. John Rowley, James Rowley, Richard Clarke, and 7ohn Old then went out of the house. It was near three o'clock. They went towards the mows. I went out ten minutes after. I did not go ten yards from the house. When I got out I saw the light. There was time for them to have gone to the mows, which were only a quarter of a mile off. In about fifteen minutes they all came back together. I heard John Rowley say that Richard Clarke put the light to the mow. Clarke was present when Rowley said so. William Wall came back on Satur. day evening. I was in bed. John Rowley told me to get up, that there was plenty of tobacco and cider for any one that had a mind to have it to-night. / went down stairs. They had been drinking all the evening before. I heard William Wall say he supposed that Farmer Poole was now 20/. out of pocket as well as he. Wall said likewise that when he was two miles from home, on the road to Bristol, he saw the fires, and knew what they were."—The prisoners were all found guilty, but it was understood the woman would be spared.

A DESPERATE RUFFIAN.—The Richmond Whig of the 19th of June gives the following account of the execution of a fellow named Wheeler, a soldier, who killed his sergeant, at Bellona arsenal; he was • hanged at Chesterfield Court House on Friday. "Wheeler intended to have killed three others at the time be killed the sergeant. He had got drunk, and was very outrageous, for which these four reported him. He vowed revenge, and fixing his bayonet, while they were asleep, proceeded to butcher them. all. The sergeant he killed, and severely wounded another, who, however, escaped, and gave the alarm, when Wheeler was overpowered and secured. It is said that he confessed having perpetrated as many as thirteen murders ; and that, among his victims was Captain 31‘Lelland, svhe was murdered at the dock about eighteen months ago. It is known that Wheeler was in this city at the time that murder was committed. When he was first launched off the rope broke, aid he had to be tied up again." MANSLAUGHTER.—Our readers may recollect a very atrocious case, which happened in April last at Staple Hill, near Chard, of a man's abusing a poor boy, his son, by beating him and throwing him into a

ditch, then on the floor of his cottage, and afterwards leaving the miser.

-able child to perish unheeded in the bed of a room where he and the unnatural mother passed the night. The brute, whose name was Lane, was tried at Wells Assizes on the 19th; and pleading guilty to the charge of manslaughter (the legal diminutive for murder), was sentenced to transportation for life.