28 AUGUST 1830, Page 19

PINT A ler S.

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A Series of -Four Views, to illustrate the Naval Action fought on the- lst of June 1813, between the English frigate Shannon and the American frigate Chesapeake. Lithographed by L. HAGHE, from Paintings by 3. C. SCHETET, under the dire& tion and from the designs of Captain R. H. Krim R.N.

This brilliant and memorable action could not have been more Ali and effectively commemorated ; and distant as is the time since the bat. tie was fought, it has lost none of its interest to Englishmen, whether sailors or landsmen. The beauty of these illustrations, indeed, woukl have given to a less celebrated event additional interest : as it is, the work is one deserving a place on the walls or in the portfolio of every lover of his country's navy, and every admirer of fine art.

A brief, comprehensive, and lucid description of the action, intro. duces us to the plates successively, from the firing of the first shot to the bringing in of the prize. It is somewhat remarkable, that in this brief

action, fought in eleven minutes, just three positions were taken by the two vessels. Striking and (we may venture to say) accurate views of these three situations are given' together with minutely-detailed repre. sentations of the condition and appearance of each vessel at the several points of time.

The first plate represents the Shannon commencing the action about twenty yards from the Chesapeake, whose larboard-bow is parallel wits her starboard-quarter. The Chesapeake sailed quickly past the Shan- non, receiving successively the whole of her broadside; and by the time she had got well forward, was literally cut to pieces. In this crippled state the Chesapeake, with her helm a-lee, luffed into the wind on the

starboard-how of the Shannon ; the position represented in the second plate. The Shannon then luffed up to meet and grapple with her dis-

abled adversary; which position forms the subject of the third plate, re- presenting the boarding of the Chesapeake. In Plate 4, the Shannon is leading her prize into the harbour of Halifax.

The plates are the most perfectly beautiful specimens of lithographs that we have seen. Captain KING has supplied the technicalities of deg scription and delineation ; Mr. SC HE TNY has painted the pictures from

the Captain's sketches : and Mr. linout has lithographed them, in a style of art that we have scarcely seen equalled, and that has certainly never been surpassed. The utmost correctness and precision of drawing are combined with fine pictorial effect ; and the tints of the lithography are pure and brilliant in the highest degree. The smoke of the guns seems as though it would presently pass away; the atmosphere is light,

with bright sky and a few fleecy clouds ; the sea is calm, and the waves undulating its surface with an almost transparent effect; the sails bend

to the light breeze that fills them, and the ensigns flutter in the wind..

All is executed in the most complete and tasteful style, and with a thorough understanding and mastery of the nautical technicalities. The drawings are not tame, meagre, or merely exact ; but, with all naval propriety, are distinguished for gusto of style and artist-like effect. They, are perfect pictures, which it is impossible to commend too highly. The battered hull of the Chesapeake, her boats in splinters, her guns dis. mounted, her lower rigging dilapidated, is portrayed with strikins

fidelity. The tone of the lithographic drawings is throughout pure and Silvery, and evinces equal care and facility on the part of the draughts.

man. They happily lack that woolliness or smuttiness which but too- often detracts from the beauty of the hest lithographic drawings. The printer, Mr. DAY, deserves the highest praise for his share in the work, which reflects great credit on his press. We have not had an opportunity lately of doing justice to the varied talents of Mr. HAGUE as a lithographic draughtsman, but we hope they

will be more frequent in future. Be is unequalled for the purity and brilliancy of his tints and effects ; and his style is artist-like, et once faithful and original, equally removed from tame and mechanical imita- tion, and a slovenly scambling manner : it is the perfection of the art.