28 AUGUST 1830, Page 2

. . The hopes of the Patriots Of Spain are,.

if we may.rely on the subjoined document, at length destined to be falfilled. The mon strous tyranny under which the 'minds and banes of 'the subjecta of FitapirrANV have long groaned, draws to an end. We agree with the Times,- that the revolution in France is 3.mconnected as cause and effect with the revolution which we may soon have to announce in the Peninsula; but its fortunate occurrence When the preparations for the latter were so nearly completed, cannot fail very much to inspirit the brave men by whom they have been Planned, as well as to strike terror into the heart of i he despot and his tools whose perfidy has rendered them necessary. We cannot for a moment conceive that there exists a community, however debased, in which such a Government as that which has long prevailed in Spain can be voluntarily, much less cheerfully borne. When therefore a feasible prospect' of making head against it occurs, and when it is known that the despot is without hope of assistance from without, the result may he easily prophe- sied. The people must have freedom, with the will of their master if he be wise, but be he wise or foolish, they must have freedom. We call the following paper a document; because, from the relations subsisting between the Tinzes and the exiled Spaniards, it assumes, though not so given, that character. The Times has with great zeal and coasisteeey advocated the anise of these unfortunate men through good report and bad ; and it is entitled to, and has. we doubt not, received their perfect con- fidence. We might infer this from internal evidence, had we none other. The paper is one of statement, not of argument—a statement which no one not in the confidence of the pai ties could have made.

It is not unworthy of notice, that by the last letters from Cadiz, the communications between Madrid and France are indirectly an- nounced as completely interrupted. The Government at Cadiz is said to have requested information of the French revolution from the English merchants there, in order to send it to Madrid, because the Government of Madrid had had no communications with Paris. The statement or manifesto of the Times is as follows :- "We have no hesitation in affirming it to be unquestionable, that an entire overthrow of the tyranny of Ferdinand the perfidious' is now on the point of taking place.

"Those who arc not accurately informed with regard to the Spaniards, seemed disposed to found their anticipation of this great and happy oc- currence on the recent establishment of constitutional liberty on the other side of the Pyrenees. They are altogether deceived.

"The destruction of that horrible system under which Spain has groaned ever since (with one short interval) the restoration of the Bour- bons to the sovereignty of France, was actually prepared, and would, in a very few months, perhaps a few weeks, have been accomplished, al- though Charles the Tenth had still kept possession of his throne.

" Spain in 1822-23 was torn to pieces by faction, overrun by a French array of 100,000 men, discouraged by the menaces of Russia, and we must add, though with shame and self-reproach, was betrayed by the paltry arid unmanly policy of the British Government of that period.

"There is no form of hatred, persecution, or barbarous vengeance, to which the friends of liberty in Spain have not been subjected from that day to the present. Powers more odious and intolerable than those of the Inquisition have been abused with worse than inquisitorial cruelty by the civil functionaries of the Court: all the most respectable men who were permitted or compelled to remain in their country Were trampled On; the most fortunate of the Spaniards—those considered the most for- midable—were proscribed and banished.

" But Mr. Canning never made a mistake so deplorable, as in believing that-freedom could be more highly appreciated by the Portuguese than by- the Spanish nation. . "Had the const itutional Spaniards found only Spaniards to contend with, they would have made a somewhat different stand from that which was displayed by the patriots of Portugal on the Douro. It was heartless, as well as inconsistent, to taunt the people of Spain with indifference to the rights of freemen, when their earnestness in the cause had been alleged bythe Holy Alliance as a sufficient motive for commanding an enormous French army to attack their territory, and reduce them to bondage.

"The nation, however, was not annihilated. From the hour at which the last French division marched homewards—we suspect before it—an active and well-managed correspondence has been carried on through all the provinces of the Peninsula; and the brave and distinguished exiles in foreign lands have willingly answered-the invitations of their countrymen to ' in them in striking one more blow for freedom.

e consequence was painted withoutexaggeration, as we are informed, in a letter from one of our Paris correspondents on Wednesday last, Where the writer asserts, on the authority of Ferdinand himself, that the people were against him,—the army devoted to the Constitutional chiefs, even the bulk of the tyrant's own guards disaffected towards him, and no ehanee of Safety left for the estimable race of Spanish Bourbons, but the starch of another French army to their support.

. "It cannot, therefore, bealleged with any justice to the Constitutional Spaniards, that they took their cue from France, or that their enterprise for -the redemption of their noble country was but an offshoot from the victory of the French people. "The fact is, that Spain was already ripe. The Polignac Government,

however well inclined, durst not form an cordon sanitaire,-or despatch another array to destroy. the Spaniards. The Constitutional leaders real- dentin Spain, assisted or directed by the more distinguished of the exiles, were waiting but the Signal to begin. The Ambassadors of the goodly Ferdinand in England and elsewhere, were driven to desperation by the proofs which reached them of the magnitude of the enterprise, and of the sagacity and energy with which it had been planned and.prosecuted under tremendous embarrassments ; and the most atrocious measures were pressed-upon certain Governments by these minions of the Camarillo, for the unlawful treatment of many noble-minded-men, on whom Ferdinand, whilehe refused them admission to Spain, invoked severe punishments fOrtheir- endeavours to reach it through -some channel independent cif his Pleasure: "It is only fair to acknowledge, nevertheless, that ifthe Spaniards had prepared themselves to act, without waiting for any inipulse from Pans,- tie glorious example which has been set them in that capital must 'infi- nitely facilitate and expedite-the-success of their own national project. There is now in France a Government from which libertY, 'borne or abi•ead, has -nothing, Wetrust, -of--which to be apprehensrVe. Vainly will the tyrant appeal to tbe who.00qupies: the Talais tor Support. A single regiment ordered to the Pyrenees on suspicion merely of such a purpose, would hurl Louis Philip from his yet unsteady. ;eminence. "But there is a colour, we find, given to the cause of the Spanish Constitutionalists, which is not merely false, hut full of danger. It has been said, that instead of Spain being henceforth, as formerly, dragged- along at the chariot- wheels of whoever may be reigning King of France, she will be guided by her sympathies with the French people.' " We believe no such thing. We are satisfied that the sympathy of Spaniards is with Spain, and with Spain only • that the genuine and sole aim of the movers of Spanish liberty is to male their country independ- ent--4boroughly independent of France, of Austria, Russia, England, or any other power ; and as there is nothing servile in the plans of the Con- stitutionalists, (we speak from good authority), so ise.here nothing ex- travagant or wild. " They are one and all convinced of the manifold errors exhibited in the constitution of the Cortes. Their first wish is to shun such errors.

The constitution of England, so far as may be practicable for Spain„ is,

we understand, the model which they hope to imitate. They must have a King .so checked and controlled, that he cannot,- if he would, betray

the interests of his subjects. Ferdinand, they are insane if they suffer again to -deceive them. But whoever may be their Sovereign, his nails must be paired.

" The Constitutional Spaniards are well aware of the blunder that was formerly 'committed, in the creation of a single legislative assembly.

There are in Spain a large body of noblemen, possessed of great la.nded-

and other property, 19-20ths of them warmly attached to the principles of a free constitutional monarchy. This distinguished and most useful class of men was absurdly thrown aside by the constitution of 1812 and 1820, and therefore wantonly exasperated : they form the legitimate, na-. tura), and powerful materials of a House of Lords for Spain ; and we may

be assured, that when law and order succeed to the present more than Turl-ish anarchy of licentious despotism, an Upper Chamber will be con- stituted simultaneously with King and Cortes.

" This body, more analogous to the English nobility than any other class of noblemen in Europe, sent repeated deputations to Sir Henry

Wellesley, requesting him to lay before Ferdinand their desire that he would be content to govern as Constitutional King of Spain,,_ in which case they would support his authority with all their power. The memorable answer of the autocrat was this—' I will be nothing but abso- lute King; \Ye pray to Heaven, then, that he may be nothing,'—abso- lute King be will not be, in all human probability, for another month. " As for the other measures of the Constitutional party in Spain, we have been told that their intention is to establish as a principle the free-

dom of commerce ;' and, as the exception to that principle, only such im-

posts aS may be requisite for purposes of revenue ;—that immediate care will be taken to repair the injustice done to individuals by the outrages=

property perpetrated at the instigation of the monks, in whose favour the national domains were reannexed to the monasteries, and all purchases

made under the laws of the Cortes annulled. A "It is likewise decided to proclaim an immediate recognition of the debts contracted by the Cortes, and to reappropriate, as security to

the public creditors, the national domains of which they were pil-

laged when Ferdinand thought proper to commit the unexampled iniquity of disclaiming the national debt. It is further the feeling, as we have been informed, of the Spanish Patriots, to refer to the ancient laws of Spain (as much trampled on by Ferdinand as any other public secu- rities), in all cases where provision can be discovered in them for the maintenance of the subject's right, whether civil or political. "This, we are led to believe on high authority, is the spirit, equally cir- cumspect and honest, in which the Spanish re-founders of their country's liberty have pledged themselves to each-other and to their fellow-citizens to proceed." the latest despatches from Mr..ADDINGTON, our Ambas- sador, we should be induced to suppose that FERDINAND Contem- plated making a virtue of necessity, and restoring to his people what he had so scandalously robbed them of. We have small faith in such tardy repentance.

"When the Devil was sick, the Devil a monk would be; When the Devil grew well, the Devil a monk was he."

Should the Patriots be persuaded by any such indications to relax in their efforts, they may depend on it, at the first opportu- nity, FERDINAND will convince them of the folly of trusting to princes—to such princes. The account of FERDINAND'S liberal intentions does not tally with another account, in which we put more faith—that the packet that goes to Gibraltar has been, on the

solicitation of the Spanish resident here, ordered to proceed direct without touching at Cadiz, because English newspapers (Oh

these newspapers !) have been insinuated into the Peninsula, in Consequence of its visits to that port, notwithstanding the .strict. orders of the King to the contrary.