28 AUGUST 1830, Page 21


Arrived.-At Gravesend, August 27th, H. C. Ship Buckinghamshire, Glasspool, from China. Off the Wight, August 27th, Surrey, Dacre, from New South Wales. At St. Helena, previous to 1st July, H. C. Ships, Windsor, Heaviside •' Lowther Castle, Bathie ; General Kyd, Serie; and Inglis, Dudman, all from China. The Com- pany's Ship Farquharson, Cruickshank, also from China, was reported to be in sight. At New South Wales, March 30th, Dunvegan Castle, Walmsley, from London ; 3Ist, Greenock, Hunter, from Leith. At Halifax, July 10th, H. C. extra Ship, Mangles, Carr, from China. At Bahia, June 30th, Arethusa, Johnston, from London for Batavia, with loss of mainmast, &c. Sailed.-From Gravesend, Aug. 21, Upton Castle, Duggan, for Bombay; 24th, Alfred, Flint, for Madras; 25th, Brunswick, Horendale, for Bombay; 26th, York, Leary, for New South Wales. From Clinton, previous to 3rd April, B. C. Ships Vansittart, Scott, and Charles Grant, Everest, for London; and Asia, Agar, for Ha- l:fax. The H. C. Ships Waterloo, Nevi!,; Scoleby Castle, Burnett; and Kellle Castle, Adams, were to sail for London betwixt the 5th and leth April. Spoken.-Lord Melville, from London to New South Wales, lOth July, 3 north. ElphInstone, from London to Bengal, 21st July, 14 north, 26 west. Candian, front London to Mauritius, 27th June, 25 south, 93 west. Eleanor, from Madras for Lon- don, 29th May, off the Cape. America, from Van Hinman's Land So London, 14th July, 8 north, 30 west.