28 AUGUST 1830, Page 21


Six Glees, composed by THOMAS FORBES WALMISLEY.

Mr. WALmisr.Ev is a worthy disciple of the excellent, and we will add the unrivalled, school of English vocal part-writing. We call it unrivalled, because it combines all the variety and all the beauty of which pure vocal harmony is capable, and these in the highest perfec- tion. No other country has produced any thing of their kind, com- parable to the glees of WEBBE, CALLCOTT, or COOKE, to say nothing of the list of living composers who still continue to cultivate this de- lightful school. Among the latter, the author of the present volume, as we have intimated, deserves to hold a high rank. His compositions, though displaying the attainments of a skilful musician, are not the dull effusions of a pedant ; they are not merely correct. Though formed upon the best and purest models they are not servile copies of their prototypes, but the effusions of good taste, matured and nurtured by study.

The present, which we believe is the author's third set, consists of glees for men's voices exclusively. We fear this must be taken as a proof that glee-singing rarely forms a part of modern female educa- tion; and in truth, at this moment, we know but of one professional lady who understands it. The first of the set, " Tell me, thou soul of her I love," is a delightful composition for five voices, full of expression and of melody in every part. From the third, " Oh love was made to soothe," we have extracted a few bars of that beautiful intertwining of harmony in which Mr. WAtansLase delights, and which "call to re- membrance" JONATHAN BATTISHILL• Another specimen of the same kind occurs at page 26. The last siloveraeat of "Since first you knew my amorous smart," is a continued flow of graceful harmony. The last of the collection is a spirited and and animating Bacchanalian glee.

We have enjoyed great pleasure in the perusal of this volume, and hope to have that pleasure renewed and increased by hearing any or all of its contents, _