28 AUGUST 1830, Page 4


THE KING came to town on Wednesday for the purpose of holding a Court, with a view to the introduction of General Baudrand, the envoy

extraordinary of the King of the French, who has been deputed to in- form his Majesty officially of the recent important changes. The Gene- ral had a private interview with the King, which lasted a quarter of an hour:, he was very kindly received, and has, we understand, expressed laitriself in very warm terms of his Majesty's urbanity and condescension. He immediately despatched a courier to Paris to inform his Government of his gracious reception. Our Ministers are also said to have received General Baudrand with great politeness.

After the Court, the King held a Privy Council, at which all the Ministers in town attended ; when a proclamation was agreed to be

issued, declaring the Parliament to stand prorogued from the 14th of September to the 2lith of October, when it will meet for the despatch of business—a phrase which implies that the summoning for that day is peremptory.

The Princess Sophia visited his Majesty while he was in town. The King returned to Windsor to dinner.

THE Knao's Butru-reav.--We noticed the birth-day illuminations in London in our second edition last week. On no occasion within our

memory were those symptoms of rejoicing so general and so gay. There was not, we believe, a single establishment in any way connected with the King or the Royal Family that did not exhibit a crown, an anchor, a W, or some other of the limited number of tokens by which, on such occasions, John Bull marks the richness of his purse and the poverty of his fancy.. A few of the more ambitious had mottoes. One, in Jermyn Street, _had "The King, and a good digestion to him: " this was baker's wit—whether the bread which it was meant to bring into notice required a specially good digestion, we know not. Mr. Hamlet, the goldsmith, sported, very appropriately, a couple of diamonds in addition to stars and crowns; and Colnaghi and Ackermann had, with equal propriety, illuminated specimens of the fine arts. The likenesses of his Majesty were, in general, vile ; they were very unlike, and for the most part very ugly—which was by no means necessary. Any resem- blance, or no resemblance, however, was caught up by the crowd as an

occasion of raising a shout ; and as heads arid busts and full-lengths were to be found in almost every street, the noise and the lights were equally diffused over the metropolis, and the expenditure of oxygen was as great as that of olefiant gas. The multitude who crowded the street was vast, and constituted, indeed, the principal part of the show. Pic- cadilly, and all the streets, small or great, leading to it and from it, had the appearance of the passages of a theatre on a night of general attrac- tion. There was an immense number of people in the streets when the King prorogued Parliament, but hardly to be named in comparison with the hundreds of thousands that moved in solid columns from Temple Bar as far west as St. James's Street on Saturday from nine to ten o'clock. In other quarters the joyous day appears to have been cele- brated with the same good-will. At Windsor, at the entrance of the Long Walk, sixty tables, of fifty places each, were laid; and there was not an empty place nor a dissatisfied guest among the three thousand who sat down. The King walked through the crowd of guests and spec- tators, accompanied by the Mayor of Windsor, and halted at the head of the centre table while grace was said : he afterwards visited a number of the other tables, thus affording to every one an ample opportunity of seeing their sovereign; and then joined the Queen, who, accompanied by the different members of the Royal Family, paid a visit to the same spot in her carriage. The healths of their Majesties were pledged in ale—it may be imagined with exceeding great fervour ; and the shouts of the eaters and drinkers were amply seconded by those of the specta- tors. Great order and regularity prevailed during the plain but substan- tial meal ; and not the slightest accident happened. The day was fine, and the evening equally so. The illuminations shone forth in brilliant contrast, under favour of a sky of wintry darkness and summer mildness. The fireworks exhibited in the Home Park, as it is called, to which the public were freely admitted, were exceedingly splendid, and excited great admiration. While gayeties unmixed with gravities were the order of the day without, within the Castle a banquet more gorgeous though not more happy was spread for all the members of the Royal Family, and for a number of noble and distinguished visitants. The celebrated ser- vice of gold plate, as well as the enormous coolers and plateaux, was produced for the first time since the accession. About two hundred and fifty of the nobility and gentry were received by the King in the even- ing, in addition to those who were entertained at dinner. Such were the rejoicings at Windsor. At Richmond, the people had a boat- race in honour of the day, which afforded—so say the reports— very excellent sport ; and in the evening there were the good old English sports of grinning through a horse collar, sack-races, and a jingling-match, for the amusement and edification of those who had a relish for stronger stimulants than the the elegant di- version of rowing supplied. At Brighton, two hundred gentlemen met at the Old Ship tavern, where they dined to show their loyalty and love to the Sailor King—a method deserving a special commendation, inas- much as good eating and drinking not only make the heart glad, but the tongue pliant, and thus swell at once the tide of kindliness and give fa- cilities to its free flow.

WHO IS THE ILLUSTRIOUS PERSON ?—A curious anecdote is afloat, showing at once the temper and weakness of a certain illustrious person. At a late Royal festival it was the pleasure of the King to give the bealth of the Duke of Wellington ; the illustrious person alluded to turned down his glass, and refused to drink it. The most humiliating of all consequences to such a mind has been the result ; he has been forced to employ the good offices of the man whom he insulted, in order to be reconciled to the justly offended host.—Times.

BntenToar.—Great preparations are making here to celebrate the expected visit of their Majesties to Brighton, on Monday next, for which a sum of money has been liberally subscribed by the inhabitants. One intention of the committee is to erect a triumphal arch at the entrance of the town. At the second meeting of the committee Mr. Wilds, jun. presented a plan for the pyramid Sufficiently large to admit carriages to pass through and under it. Its four sides to contain seats for the accom- modation of one thousand charity children, so that the whole of the edi- fice would be covered by them, a sight that would be no less beautiful in itself, than it must prove gratifying to their Majesties, particularly to the Queen, who takes the deepest interest in establishments having the education of the poor for their object. The apex of this pyramid was to be surmounted by a British sailor, holding the standard of England. The erection of the building would have cost about 35/. At night it was proposed that variegated lamps should be placed on the back of the seats or steps occupied by the children, so as to form one pyramidical body of lights, diversified by the colours of the lamps into a variety of beautiful tints. Each entrance to be then closed with transparencies bearing-some appropriate device or motto. The place occupied by the sailor to have brilliant stars fixed in such a position as to be viewed on every side with advantage, and over each entrance a transparency of the King's Arms to be placed. The whole design is highly creditable to the ingenuity Of Mr. Wilds. Illuminations are projected on the most extensive scale, and the committee propose to have some splendid fire-works on the Stehle, pre- parations for which are made on a very extensive scale. Fire.works are also to be displayed at sea ; and one cf the steam-packets will be beauti. fully illuminated. On the day after the arrival 'of his Majesty, there will be a still more gratifying spectacle than all the blaze of light, the roaring of cannon, or the hurras of the people—a spectacle that none will witness with more pleasure than their Majesties themselves. Four thousand children, all of whom are educated, and many of them clothed and fed, by the benevolence of their more wealthy townsmen, are to dine on the Old Steine, a place admirably adapted by nature and art for such a festival.—Abridged from the Brighton Gazette.

THE BRIGHTON GUARDIAN AND THE KING.--It appears that the Brighton Guardian, some day last week, inserted a paragraph reflecting on the King (we have not seen it), which has called the loyalty of the Brighton people into very violent action. At a meeting on Monday, there was a motion to burn the editor in effigy ; but as some considera. tion was requisite in respect of so grave a matter as burning an editor, the further discussion was put off to Wednesday ; when the High Con- stable refusing to sanction the project, it was again put off sine die. The Brightonians lost the countenance of George the Fourth by the injudicious conduct, according to their views, of some of the inhabitants ; and any measure, however slight, which was to hazard the favour of William the Fourth might be expected to call forth their special ire. 'We imagine, however, that a formal resolution to burn even an editor irt effigy, would, if carried, have subjected the parties to a charge of con.. spiracy. What was the person so held up to public indignation to expect from the populace, if the respectable part of the community proceeded to such lengths against him ?