28 AUGUST 1852, Page 14

Clifton, 23d August 1852. Sr—Churchmen are much indebted to you

for bringing out clearly the real and very considerable difficulties which beset the revival of Convocation. The position which I took up last week was that what was required was a legitimate organ for the expression of the mind of the Church ; and that, whatever might be the result, we had a right to demand this. I am not aware that this has been denied. If not, we may retreat at last to this posi- tion, as our forefathers did to the keep of the feudal castle. But we are asked to predict the working of this body which we seek to call into existence, and to show that it is likely to bring about actual and desirable reforms. I sus- pect, then, that many of the supposed dangers will be obviated in two ways. Firstly, by the control of Parliament. For Parliament would never "dele- gate" its powers to any Synod whatever ; and so no synodal act could be- come law without the sanction of Qu,een, Lords, and Commons. Secondly, by the strong infusion of the lay element which "Convocation of the Future" implies. Its operation as to the settlement of doctrine might be inclusive rather than exclusive ; might tend to "minimize" rather than to " maximize " (the words are not my own) the articles of faith. But, at any rate, we should know the sense of the Church of England. "Sint certi deuique fines." With regard to discipline, it assuredly would not attempt to revive a system of excommunication and penance, but would act beneficially in the matter of the correction of clerks and the harmonizing of rubrics, &c. That it would really exert itself in schemes for increasing the efficiency of the Church and the correction of abuses, the only security, that I know, is that Churchmen are not the persons least interested in attaining these objects, and that the assembly would not consist wholly of ecclesiastics, much leas of such ecclesiastics as are interested in the perpetuation of scandals. I doubt whether any solution can be given to the question, "How will Convocation