28 AUGUST 1858, Page 9



Notwithstanding the inactivity which has existed throughout the week in the market for public securities, the real business doing has been of a more favourable character, and quotations have consequently advanced 1 per cent. Consols have been as high as 97, having opened on Monday 961. There have been several investments but none of any important amount. The largest purchases have been in the East India Debentures (new issue), 200,000 having been bought during Wednesday and Thursday alone ; the price is now 981 98k; the first instalment paid last Monday absorbed about 600,0001. without causing any particular pressure on the market. There has not been so much buoyancy today and Consols have drooped 1 per cent owing to a few realizations and absence of business. Reduced leaves off 961 961. New Three per Cents, 961 96/. Consols for September, 961 961. The only feature worth noticing in the Foreign Stock Market during the past week is a rise in Peruvian of nearly 2 per cent, the near approach of the dividend on the Four-and-a-half per Cents now advertised, and the large purchases which must be made dunng the ensuing month,. on account of the Sinking Fund, will probably keep up the price of the stock, if not cause a further improvement. There has been rather more inquiry for the New Brazil Four-and-a-half per Cent Scrip, which at one time reached 11 premium ; but a reaction has since taken place, and the figure

is now premium only. Mexican is good at the price, 21 211. Spanish Bonds are scarce and somewhat in request, 4.4 44f, and the Certificated 5 5i ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 91 92; Peruvian Three per Cents, 70 72; Buenos Ayres, 78 80; Buenos Ayres Deferred, 161 171; Grenada Active, 21 22; Grenada Deferred, 6 61; 'Venezuela Active, 39 40 ; Victor Emmanuel, 911 921. Money continues plentiful at about 3 per cent.

The Railway Share Market has shown considerable buoyancy, and quo- tations have, in most instances, advanced. Midland and Lancashire and Yorkshire have been especially in demand, the improvement in both quotations being equal to 11 per cent. Other stocks and shares have all experienced a rise, averaging 1 per cent. Today the market has been very quiet, and prices not quite so firm as at the opening; there is, however,

mater al alteration, and higher prices are looked for ; the Traffic Re- tuna in most eases showing =improvement exercise a favourable influence. Midland Stock is finally quoted 9% 971; Caledonian, 4l411; London and Brighton, 109 110; Great Northern, 251 251; South Eastern, 211 211; North Stafford, 51 5 dis. Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 13 14; Great Western, 501 501 ; London and North-Western, 924 93; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 931 94; London and South-Western, 93 931. The fortnightly settling will take place on Tuesday the 31st. French Shares although dull at the close, have been tolerably well supported ; but no great amount of business has been done. Luxembourg Shares are 7/ 81; Northern of France, 371 38; Paris and Strasbourg, 261 28; Paris and Lyons, 321 33. Sambre and Meuse, n 8; Namur and 'lege, 9 91. Indian Shares steady, East Indian, 105 106; Bombay and Baroda,

iirem. Atlantic Telegraph shares, 840 860. The shares of the Bed pea Telegraph Company have been sought after a good deal, and buss-

been las been done at 1 prem. the last price is I 1 prem.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 801 Victoria, cap. 92, for the week eliding on 'Wednesday the 25th day of Aug. 1838.

MICE DE 444444

Notes tuned I91,426,195 Government Debt L11,015,100

Other Securities 3,459,900 Gold Coln and Bullion 16,961,193

Silver Bullion E31,426,195 I31,426,193


Government Securities (inclu-

ding Dead 1Veight Annuity) £10,884,234 Other Securities 15,064,472

Notes 11,063,340 Gold and Silver Coin 703,311 £37,715,367 Proprietors Capital I14,359,000 Rest 3,375,793 Public:Deposits* 5,452,791 Other Deposits 13,550,348 Seven Days and other Bills 783,693


• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissionersof National Debt, 84 Dividend Acct. •

A meeting of the shareholders of the Submarine Telegraph Company was held on Wednesday, Sir J. Carmichael in the chair, when the report was adopted unanimously, and a dividend declared at the rate of eight per cent per annum. The receipts during the past six months have been 12,5201., showing an increase of 1831/. over the corresponding period of last year, notwithstanding the late accident to the Belgian cable. A resolution was passed congratulating the proprietors of the Atlantic Telegraph Company on the successful laying of the line to America.

A special meeting of the shareholders of the Western Bank of Scotland was held on Tuesday, for the purpose of authorizing the destruction of notes, and making compromises with poor shareholders. It was intimated that a further call would probably be required, as the assets were not being realized as had been expected.

M. Emile Pereire contradicts the report lately afloat that there was to be an amalgamation of the Crait Mobilicr and of the Caisse Nationale d'Escompte.

According to a statement from a Mr. T. P. Shaffner, in the New York papers, the Emperor of Russia four years back resolved upon the formation of a telegraph line from St. Petersburg to the Russian possessions in North America, and thence to San Francisco. Its course was to be from St. Peters- burg to Moscow, thence across the Ural Mountains into Asia, passing through Irkutsk to the Sea of Okhotsk, and thence from Kandschatka across the Sea of Kamtschatka to Cook's Inlet, in Russian America. This line, by a connection with the River Amoor and Mantchouria, would bring St. Petersburg and Pekin into direct communication.

The prospectus has been issued of the Indian and Australian Telegraph Company (first section) with a capital of 500,000/., in 20/. shares. The proposal is to continue the Red Sea line from Ceylon to Singapore, and eventually to carry further sections to Hong-kong and Australia. Appli- cation is to be made to the Government for a guarantee.