28 AUGUST 1886, Page 1


ON Monday, Europe was dismayed by news of a fresh revolution in the Balkan Peninsula. In the early hours of the morning of Saturday, August 21st, Prince Alexander of Bulgaria was seized in his palace at Sofia by a band of con- spirators, and hurried from the capital. Proclamations were at once issued, declaring that the Prince had ceased to reign, that he had voluntarily signed his act of abdication, and that a Provisional Government, including the names of the chiefs of all parties, had been established. An event so startling and so dramatic has not taken place within living memory, and the excitement and desire for news was everywhere intense. No account of the subsequent movements of the Prince was, how- ever, allowed to be transmitted by the wires, and the only tele- grams permitted were those describing how the Provisional Government had implored the Russian Agent to obtain for Bulgaria the protection of the Czar, and how the populace had everywhere greeted the revolution with acclamation and delight.