28 AUGUST 1926, Page 15


• [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I be allowed to reply to the remarks of your reviewer on my letter in your issue of 14th in3t. ? My objection was to discrimination between two sets of facts on which the faith of the Church was founded both of which are testified to by the Evangelists, and by Apostles. My objection still remains. The experiences of St. Joan of Are and those connected with St. Thomas of Canterbury might well be put into quite a different category : the faith of the Church was not, and is not, founded on them. It is true that the Blessed Virgin can have been the sole witness for the Virgin Birth, but the Evangelists, St. Matthew and St. Luke must have had intimate knowledge of her and must have been convinced of her truthfulness. The writings of St.. Paul and the other Apostles do not deal with the Virgin Birth but on points which come within their scope, the Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord, and the gift of the Spirit, they are to my mind radiant with truth.—I am, Sir, &c.