28 DECEMBER 1833, Page 4

Much damage has been done in Lancashire during the last

fortnight, by floods and tempestuous weather. Many farmers have lost stock ; and a large factory on the river Lune, at Halton, has been so much injured, that a great part of it must be rebuilt.

On Tuesday week, the wife of Mr. Payne, a Solicitor of Notting- ham, was returning from Nottingham to her residence in the Park, when a garden-wall was blown down with a most tremendous crash ; and

I the rums fell with such violence on Mrs. Payne, as to cause her imme- diate death. Before the wall fell, a youth of sixteen cried out, " For God's sake, ma'am, come from the wall, it's falling." She said, " Where ? where ?" and in a moment after, the building fell, over- whelming her in . the ruins. When taken out she was quite dead.— Nottinffliam Journal.

Four workmen were killed, and two severely bruised, on Thursday week by the falling of some scaffolding in Newcastle. They were employed in carrying a stone weighing four hundred pounds along the scaffolding when it gave way, and they fell upwards of thirty feet.

Two very destructive fires, the work of incendiaries, occurred last week,' in the neighbourhood of Egli= and Stanwell. The property destroyed consisted principally of hay, oats, and barley, and is valued at more than five thousand pounds. The labourers exerted themselves heartily to extinguish the flames, and there is no reason to suspect any, of the persons employed in the neighbourhood of haying caused the fires.

Mary Evans, a young woman who lived at Ranton, near Stafford, was murdered on Monday week, by Richard Tomlinson, who was sup- posed to be her lover. He himself gave information as to the place where her body was to be found, and made no secret of having com- mitted the murder. It is said that this man's mother was supposed to have poisoned her husband.

Two men were hanged on Thursday morning, at Maidstone, in the presence of a great number of people, upon whom the sight made very little impression. They left the place of execution "as if they had been assisting at a village fete."