28 DECEMBER 1833, Page 5

Colonel HARE, who went lately out " alls`eion to the

heml-qnarters of Don Midnet, for the purpose chiefly, of urging the departure of Don Colonel HARE, who went lately out " alls`eion to the heml-qnarters of Don Midnet, for the purpose chiefly, of urging the departure of Don

:alterviews with the principal offi- cers of Don MIGUEL'S army, who all declared that they will never. treat with the Constitutionalists whilst the present Ministers of Don PEDRO are in power. The official accounts from Lisbon state, that the inhabi- tants of Oporto have sent a remonstrance to Lisbon against the removal of General STUBBS, and a petition praying for his return, as the only means of preserving the city from the Miguelites. Don PEDRO had been to reconnoitre the positions of the Miguelite army at Santarem. On his return, he declared that it would be madness to attack them in those positions.