28 DECEMBER 1833, Page 5

The greatest preparations have been lately made by the Turks,

under the instructions of some Russian engineers, for placing the Dar- danelles, and all the fortifications along that strait, in the most efficient state of defence, as if they apprehended some attempt would be made by the combined fleets to force a passage to Constantinople. Even the garrisons of the two lower castles at the entrance from the Archip.e. lago, which is considered the widest part, received last week an addi- tional number of soldiers. The forts on the Gulf of Saros, which defend the landing of troops for taking possession of the isthmus be- tween it and the Sea of Marmora, have also been arranged in their best manner; for, as some hostile movement has been expected, since the Cabinet of the Kremlin has cajoled the Porte into a promise of closing the Dardanelles against all foreign ships of war, the Russians have neglected nothing to render that prohibition as formidable as possible to her adversaries.- Tins Correspondence.

The Russian fleet in the Black Sea, is kept ready to sail at the shortest possible notice.

In the German Papers, which arrived this morning, there is a long article, dated from the Servian Frontiers, the 6th December, stating, that the Emperor of Russia is determined to persevere in his alliance with the Sultan. The authority for this is not given, but it is believed to have been inserted with the knowledge and approbation of the Em- peror NICHOLAS.