28 DECEMBER 1844, Page 15


()Mee On OtioNANcr, Dec. 26.-Corps of Royal Engineers-Second Capt. A. Gordon to be Capt. vice Rutherford, retired on full pay ; First Lieut. R. G. Hamilton to be Second Capt. vice Gordou; Second Lieut. E. W. Ward to be First Lieut. vice Hamil- ton ; First Lieut. H. W. Litgard to be Seccnd Captain vies Harness, seconded; Second Lieut, W. H. Jesse lobe First Lieut. vice Lugard. Royal Regt. of Artillery-Gent. Cadets to be Second Lieuts.-1. F. E. Travers, vice Desborough, promoted ; Hon. E. T. Gage, vice Russell, promoted; N. S. Bayly. vice Shaw, promoted ; G. Barston, vice Lennox, promoted ; G. Leslie. viol Henry. promoted; A. M. Archdall, vice Flint, promoted, C. Wright, vice Taylor. promoted ; J. E. Thring, vice E. Swinton, promoted ; W. 51. King. vise Pipon, pro- moted; H. L. F. Greville, vice Paterson, promoted; S. R. B. Swingy, vice Lucas, . promoted ; H. Bent, vice J. D. Shakespear, promoted ; F. R. Glanville, vice Ham- ley, promoted ; 11. J. W. Jervis, vice Field, promoted. Corps of Royal Engineers-Gent. Cadets to be Second Lieuts-J. G. Jervis, vice Galion, promoted; H. W. Tyler, vice Barlow, promoted; .1' C. B. Be Butts, vice Scott, promoted ; W. S. Stace, vice Ross, promoted ; G. S. Taly, vice Tuglis, promoted; . E. Stanton, vice Hope, deceased. ArnareALTr. Dec. 21.-Corps of Royal Marines-Second Lieut. E. A. Wylde to be First Lieut. vice J. L. Brainier, to half-pay.