28 DECEMBER 1850, Page 12


CHANGES of the seasons, religious epochs, and historical events either peaceful or warlike, have been the most frequent sources of periodical commemoration. In English estimate none of the annual returns stand in higher favour than the one we are now enjoying ; and for which a reason may be assigned apart from its sacred reminiscences. It is not unpleasant to revert to troubles that have been mastered : the Christmas festival receives a - culler zest from the recollection that two of the most dull, sickly, and depressing months of the year, are on the eve of completion. The worst of a twelvemonth is felt to be drained off—past and gone. Brighter skies may be expected, new hopes and enterprises indulged in ; and with these conscious if not expressed satisfactions, friends meet and greet each other with hearty welcome. But the festive occasion is thought to have degenerated, and Old Yule not to be kept up so long and joyously as in the olden -time. Of this an explanation may be given without impeachment of the age we live in. It is not that men are less mirthful, but pur- suits and occupations have changed. This is not the age of hunters, shepherds, or even agriculturists, but of merchants and manufacturers. Husbandry was wont to form almost the sole employment; and in dead winter, when the earth was ice-bound, 'covered with snow, or invisible from fog, what better could people do than feast and perpetrate harmless nonsense as long as possible ? But in present times there need be few spare moments. Steam works at all hours and in all weathers ; and if industry in its infinite variety does not urge, from intellectual progress recreatives have been devised not less multiplied and accommodating. Inventions to kill time have consequently become less in demand than despatch and concentration to deal with the diversified objects, amusing or profitable, that now solicit attention. Life has thus been length- ened, not in years only butin action and intensity of existence.