28 DECEMBER 1861, Page 7



(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening..

Austrian. lip. Ct. Belgian 41 — Ditto 21 — Brazilian. 5 — BUMPS Ayres ......... -. 6 — Chilian 6 —

Danish s —

Ditto.— 3 — Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) _21 — Ditto 4 — French 3 — SHARES.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)


941 Australasian 101 British North American - City 621 Colonial - Commercial of London Glasgow and South-Western...

EngL Scottish & AuatraLChrtd.

Great Northern 114 London.

Great South. and West. Ireland

London and County 381 Great Western 681 Loud. Chrtd. Bank of Australia 24 Lancashire and Yorkshire 106 London Joint Stock

Lancaster and Carlisle.....

London and Westminster 681 Lend., Brighton, & South Coasi —• National Bank

London and Blackvrall

National Provincial

London and North-Western.... 914 New South Wales

London and South-Western ... 921 Oriental 61 Manchester,Sheffield &Line° — Ottoman

Midland 1271

Provincial of Ireland...

Midland Gt. Western (Ireland) — South Australia

North British 621 Union of Australia 381 North-Eastern—Berwick 9_91 Union of London 28 North-Eastern—York



Oxford,Wor.& Wolverhampton —


Scottish Central - East and West India.

Scottish Midland South-Eastern and Dover...- 751 London St. Katharine 581


Eastern of France ............. — Victoria

East Indian 1011


Geelong and Melbourne - Australian Agricultural......... 261 Grand Trunk of Canada 181 British American Land

Great Indian Peninsular.. ... 1001 Canada

Great Western of Canada.— 9 Crystal Palace 321 Paris and Lyons

Electric Telegraph 911 Moms--

General Steam

Australian — London Discount

Brazilian Imperial

National Discount

Ditto Si. Jahn del Boy..... 481 Peninsular and Oriental Steam 67 Cobra Copper

Royal Mail Steam


Mummy Iron — South Australian


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32; for the Week ending on Wednesday, the 25th day of December, 1861. ISSUE DEPARTMENT. BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Friday.

90g Bank Stock, 9 per Cant ......

901 India Stock, 101 per Cent 90 Exchequer Bills, 2d. per diem 904 Exchequer Bonds, 5001 India Bonds, 4 per Cent. per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880 Annuities 1885 Notes issued .429,688,845 Proprietors' Capital Rest

Govertunent Debt Other Securities Gold Coin and Bullion Silver Bullion Government Securities (mein- ding Dead Weight Annuity).£11,063,147 £11,015,100 8,634,900 14,938,845 £29,588,845 BANKING DEPAIITRENT.

£14,553,000 3,141,742 £29,588,845 Public Deposits* 7,090,141' Other Securities 16,826,024 Other Deposits 13,809,642 Notes .. - . -...-.- .......... -..... 10,022,150 Seven Days and other Bills-. 633,9,84 Gold and Silver Coin 817,088


£38,728,409 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, and Dividend Account. French 4/ p. Ct Mexican 3 -- Peruvian. 41 — Portuguese 1853 3 — Russian 6 — Sardinian 5 —

Spanish a —

Ditto New Deferred.. 3 — Ditto Passive

TurkIsh ; a —

Venezuela 3 — 100 —f. —f.

271 47


421 77 21 RAILWATS-- Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Chester and Holyhead —...— Eastern Counties Edinburgh and Glasgow

60 ask