28 DECEMBER 1872, Page 3

A brutal and cruel murder, but one apparently of a

common type, has been committed in Great Coram Street. A woman, by name Clara Boswell, lodging at No. 12 in that street, and employed in some ballet, took home with her on Christmas Eve a German, from whom apparently she received 103., out of which she paid her landlady 9s. for rent, receiving Is. change, which she put into her purse. She wore hired ear- rings, which may have been the temptation for this man's visit. Early in the morning of Christmas Day he left the house, slamming the door behind him, and about noon, as the girl did not appear and made no answer to inquiries, the door was forced, and her body found on the bed, with her throat cut from ear to ear. The German bad carried off the key of the door, which he locked on the outside, and the earrings and the purse, and also the weapon with which he committed the murder. He had washed his bloody hands in the basin and wiped his knife on the towel. It is said, but without much evidence, that the man was seen with his victim in a shop before he went home with her, and that the police think they have a clue by which he can be traced.