28 DECEMBER 1878, Page 1

A rumour has been circulated, which is not confirmed, but

at the same time not denied, by the Russian Press, that Shere Ali and his family accompanied the Russian Mission on its journey towards Tashkend. It seems certain that the remainder of the Russian Mistiion had retired, or was retiring, when the explosion in Cabal took plide and it is quite possible that Shere Ali, who had his family to guard, and perhaps a mass of treasure, may have sought its protection. He can hardly have been in danger himself from Yakoob Khan, Asiatic opinion condemning the parricide as strongly as European, but his children may have been, and even in a revolu- tion no party would be willing to attack the Russians. At the same time, it must be remembered that this is exactly the story which men, anxious for war with Russia, would greedily receive, and that Shere All may not have decided to quit Afghanistan. His influence has always been strongest in the West.