28 DECEMBER 1912, Page 1

The Egyptian Budget for 1913 is summarized by the Cairo

correspondent of the Times in Thursday's issue. The total revenue is estimated at £E16,130,000; the ordinary expendi- ture at £E14,909,000, and expenditure under special credits at £E721,000, making a total expenditure of 2E15,630,000 showing a balance on the revenue side of £E500,000. The above revenue estimate shows an increase of £E230,000 on that for 1912, and the estimated expenditure is also £E230,000 larger than for 1912, but owing to an adjustment of the accounts of the Sudan, by which a sum of £E163,000 has been released by the suppression of the subsidy hitherto granted by Egypt, the effective increase in expenditure is £E393,000. In the estimated receipts the largest increase is in the depart- ment of the State railways, viz., £E185,000. On the side of expenditure the largest increases are £E89,318 in the Ministry of Public Works, and 2E91,351 in the State railways. The credits on the General Reserve, which amount to £E1,695,000 for 1913, include £E822,000 for the Irrigation Department.