28 DECEMBER 1912, Page 24


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.) Lord Roberts's Message to the Nation. By Field-Marshal Earl Roberts, V.C., K.G. (John Murray. 6d. net.)—Lord Roberts's untiring warnings to his countrymen about their military defences have involved him lately in a more than usual amount of con- troversy. This controversy was caused chiefly by Lord Roberts's speech at Manchester, in which he said that Germany's policy is " Germany strikes when Germany's hour has struck," and added that this was, or should be, the policy of every great nation. These words were wilfully or stupidly taken out of their context to mean that Lord Roberts applauded a policy of aggression, and he was denounced as the apostle of a diabolical creed. We advise those who are under any misapprehension on this subject to get the little reprint of some of Lord Roberts's recent speeches and letters which lies before us and set them- selves right. The speeches have been reprinted with intro- ductory notes for this express purpose. Nothing could possibly be further from Lord Roberts's intention than to preach aggression, as the swiftest reading of this pamphlet will prove. The pamphlet will similarly disprove the absurd charge that. in criticising the Territorials, Lord Roberts meant to under- mine the Force. He praised their patriotism freely, but he would have been himself less than the patriot we all know him to be if he had not declared, what he sincerely believes, that National Service is the only way of perfect safety. We think that no reader of this collection of speeches can fail to be impressed and touched by the intense earnestness of our most famous soldier. who is devoting his old age to delivering this important message to the nation.