28 DECEMBER 1912, Page 3

But we are thankful to observe that the opinion of

Tariff Reformers themselves is setting more strongly than ever in the direction which we foresaw. The latest estimate of those Unionist members and candidates who are anxious to press for Food Taxes reduces them to a bare handful. And from the newspapers of the Dominions there has been a steady stream of declarations that it would be quite out of the question for the Dominion Governments to decide what taxation should be imposed on Great Britain. The matter is not likely, therefore, to stay where it is. The pressure of feeling among Tariff Reformers themselves mayperhaps bring about a renewal of the Referendum pledge, or it may be that the Lancashire meeting of January 11th may automatically, as it were, develop into a party conference. In any event, we trust that the Unionist leaders may be able to promise that no Food Tax Budget shall ever be introduced without a further appeal to the electors.