28 FEBRUARY 1829, Page 13


Trar-Qtlice, February 23.

2d Regiment of Life Guards—William Miles, gent. to be Assist-Sur. vice Gilder, placed upon halt'-pay. lluyal Reg. of Muse Guards—Corp.-Maj. Joseph Firth, to he Quar,nuhe. eke Thomas Troy, wile has retired upon half-pay.

5th Reg. M Dr:impel Cuarde—Capt. Trevor Wheler, to be Maj. by purchase, vice Cane, who retires ; Lieut. Charles Hay Seton, to lie Capt. by purl:he:se, vice VC Iteler ; Cur. Charles Steuart, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Seton ; Joseph Walls, Gem. to be Cor. by purehase, vice Steuart.

let Itee. of Foot—Assist.-Sur. John Maitland, from the 41st Foot, to be Assist,. Sue vice Frederick Goodwin, who retires upon half-pay, Ist Foot. 2d Foot—Lieut. Richard Leckonby Phipps' front the Royal Corp, to I Lieut. vice William Hunt, who retiree upon hall.pay Royal stele Corp, ; Lieut. George .Burrell Camberland, from the Royal. Stoll Curtis, to be Lieut. vice Nicholas Henry Jones Weetby, who retiree upon haLf-pay Reyal Staff Corps. 8th Foot—Lieut. \Valiant Russell Lucas, from the Revel Staff Corps, to be Lieut. vice George Burrard, who retires upon half-pay Royal Staff Corps. II lit Foot—Lieut. Robert Fiaser, from the final Staff Corps, to be Lieut. vice Robert Gumbleton, who retires upon half-pay iniyal Staff Corps.

12th Foot—Second Lieut. Robert Pitcairn, front the Royal Stair Come, to be Ens. vire \s erg', dec.

19.11 Feot—Capt. Charles Ilighmore Potts, front the half.pay, to be Capt. vice James Peilph, who es changes.

24th Foot—Con Peter 0 rehan, from half-pay Cape Corps, to be Ens.

36th Foot—Lieut. Philip Henry Despard, front the Royal Staff Corps, to be Lieut. vice Dayrolles, appointed to the 60th Foot.

4eth Poot—Lieut . Frames Percy Note front the Royal African Colonial Corps, to be Lieut. vice Rernard, promoted.

reel Foot—Lieut. William George Cold, from the Royal Staff Corps, to be Lieut. vice Edward \Vakefield, who retires upon half-pay Royal Staff Corps. Stith Foot—Lieut. John Handily llumfrey, from the Royal Staff Corps, to be Lieut. vice heating, appointed to the 15th Foot.

60th Foot—Lieut. Frederick Franck Lewis Daerollee, from the :36th Foot, to be First Lieut. vice Rich. Lone ue Orlebar, who retires epee half-pay Royal Staff Corps..

62dFoot—To be Lieutenants—Lieut. Donates O'Brien, from the Royal Stall Corps, vice Lane, appointed Paymas. ; Ens. Eyre Evans Stopfurd, vice Hemsworth, deceased.

To be Ensign—Gentleman Cadet James J. Best, from the Royal Military College,. vice Stopford.

63rd Foot—Lieut. Col. Holman Custance, from the half-pay, to be Lieut.-Col. vice. Edward Burke, who exchanges, ; Lieut. elicited Vlcatr, to be Capt. without pur- chase, vice Deport, dec.; Ens. Thomas Grove, to be Lieut. vice Vicary ; Gentle-.

man Cadet William James Darling from the Royal Military College, to be El . vire Grove.

65th Foot—Capt. George Wikert,--to--be-Maj. by purchase, vice Thompson pro- meted ; Lieut. Samuel Yorke Martin, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Wilson; Ens.. Alexander Henry Louis Wyatt, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice III mein.

70th Foot—Sec. Lieut. Thomas Moody, front the Royal Staff Corps, to be hes. vice John Williamson, who retires on half-pay Royal Staff Corps.

7:3d Fout—Sec. Lieut. Arthur O'Brien, from the Royal Staff Corps, to he Fes. without purchase, vice Hervey, promoted.

Set] Fout—Sec. Licht. William O'Brien, front the Royal Staff Corps, to be Ens. vice William Atherton, who retires on half-pay of tile Royal staff Corps.

etli Foot—Lieut. Edward Attains, from the Royal Staff Corps, to be !Ana. vice Pegus, promoted ; Gentleman Cadet William Mackie, from the Royal Military Col- lege, to he Ens. without purchase, vice Allen, promoted. 90th Foot—Sec. Lieut. Samuel B. Hobart, from the Royal Staff Corps, to be Ens. vice Thurlow, promoted.

94th Foot—Ens. William Francis Webster, from half-pay 76th Foot, to be Ens. vice Daunt, whose appointment has not taken place.

97th Foot—Gentleman Cadet Joseph Price, from the Royal Military College, to be Ens. without purchase, vice M'Cask ill, promoted.

tenli Foot—Lieut. Roger Keating, from the 5eth Font, to be Lieut. vice William Fleming Ill'Kenzie, who retires upon half-pay, Royal Staff Corps.

Ceylon Regt.—Lieut. leather Mann Parsom, from the Royal Staff Corps, to be Lieut. vice APVicar, appointed to the eit West India Keg. Unattachecl—Maj.Thomus Perronet Thompson, from the 65th Foot, to be Lieut.- Col. of Infantry, by purchase.

Memoranda—Lieut. Col. George Frahcis Macleod, of the Royal Engineers, has been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of an total to cited commission.

Capt. James Skirrow, of the 45th Foot, has been allowed to resign his commission. •

Ira r-Qffiee, Fehr nary 26.

Memorandum.—The under-mentioned half-pay Officers have been allowed to re- tire front the service, and their half-pay has been cancelied from the 2eth of Fehrit- ary, 1629, inclusive, on retching a commuted allowance for their commissions :- Lieut. Charles Wallace, half-pay Oat Foot; J ohu half-pay 74t14

Foot ; Ens. Carey Seymour Knyvett, half-pay 18th Foot ; Ens. William Frederick, half-pay 3d \Vest India Reg. ; Ens. Samuel Wiggins, half-pay unattached ; Ens. Edward Joseph Boddy, half-pay unattached ; Ens. William Graham Broadhurst, half-pay unattached.