28 FEBRUARY 1846, Page 11


The Bristol, Cowart, from London to Bombay, was wrecked on the Island of Fogo, Cape de Verde, previous to 25th Dec. - crew saved, The Castle Huntley, M'Intyre, troll; China to Bombay, was lost on Lincoln's Shoal, (one of the Paracels,) 23d October ; master, officers, passengers, and part of the crew, saved, and arrived at Hong-kong: some of the crew (Lascars) mutinied, and were loft behind with one of the passengers.

ARRIVED—At Gravesend, 22d Feb. Druid, Ritchie; and Mary Bannatyne, Picken, from China ; and Wonder, Ramsay, from Calcutta ; 24th, Scotia, Strickland, from China ; Mercury, Eager ; and Agnes, Saunders, from Mauritius; and Royal Tar, CRAWI. from Sydney ; 25th, Agricola, Potter; Larkins, Heidrich; and John Line, Edwards. from Calcutta ; 26th, Duke of Cornwall, Whitehead ; Helen Mary, Winn; and Orator, Homan, from Calcutta; Sea Gull, Langley, from Mauritius. In the Downs, 24th, Ro- bert Small, Williams, from Calcutta ; and 260, Brahmin, Major, from China; and Thistle, Turner, from llombay, At Liverpool, 21st, Ann Btidson, Bragg, from Chltuk; and Laidmana, —; and Lesmoyne, Real% from Calcutta ; 238, Kyle, Alexander, from ditto ; 24th, Buenos Ayrean, Coull, from Manila ; 25th, Scotland, Paul, from Calcutta; and 26th. Marquis of Bute, Bannalyne ; and Mats, Sproule, from China. In the Clyde, 2Ist, Ellen, Rodger, from China. At Cork, 22d, Woodstock, Nicholson ; and St George, Wright, from Mauritius. At Waterford, 24th, Saghalien, Jones, from China. At the Cape, 19th Dec. Dartmouth, Stewart, from London ; and Ellen German, Beni- son; and J. Dare, Adair, from Liverpool. At Bombay, 5th Jan. Mersey, Boyd, from Liverpool ; Gth, Windsor Castle, Reid, from ditto ; and 16th, Strabane, —, from the Clyde. At Ceylon, previous to 16th Jan. Hindostan, Bowen ; Brunette, Cousens; and Lord W. Bentluck, Allan, from London; • Antigua Packet, Ledger, from Liverpool ; Ca- rena, Woodmas, from the Clyde ; Maria Soames, King, from Cork ; and Sharp, Mal- let, from Newcastle. At Madras, 9th Jan. Earl of Hardwick% Drew ; and Raymond,

from London ; and Sisters, Christen, from Liverpool. At Calcutta, previous to 8th Jan. Douce Davie; Orleans ; Thomas Sparkes ; and Scotia, from Liverpool ; Eoaphanta, and Clydesdale, from the Clyde ; and Sultan, from Hull. At Singapore, 10th Dec. Wolga, (lode, from Newport ; and 20th, Janet Wilson. Morris, front the Clyde. At Batavia, 30th Nov. Lady .Howden, 5PEareiten, from the Clyde • 1st Dec.

Reginald Heber, 31'Farlane, from Liverpool ; 1 Crusader, M.Naughten, Prom Loll- don; and 23d, Ivanhoe, Simpson, from LiverpooL At Hong-kong, 30th, Dec. Aden, King, from Liverpool. At Shaughae, 17th Nov. Argyle, IPPberson, from London ; 5th Dec. Larpent, West, from Cork; and 6th, Circassian, Here, from Liverpool.

SAILED—From Gravesend, 23d Feb. Eagle, Sowell, for Calcutta ; and 24th, Madagas- car, Hight, for ditto. From Liverpool, 21st, Baronet, Wylie, for Singapore; and 26th, Sultan, Main, for Calcutta.