28 FEBRUARY 1846, Page 11



Acheson, Viscount, Armagh County. Colborne, 11n. W. N. It., Richmond, Yorksh.

Acland, T. Dyke, W. Somersetshire. Colebrooke, Sir T. Ed., Bart., Tatinton.

A'Court„ Captain E. H., Tamworth. Collett, John, Athlone.

Aglionby, H. Aglionby, Cockermouth. Ainsworth, Peter, Bolton. Coffins, William, lEarwick.

Copeland, Alderman, Stoke-upon-Trent.

Aldam, William, jun., Leeds. Corbally, Matthew Elias, .Meath C'ounty.

Anson, Hon. Col. G., S. Staffordshire. Corry, Hon. H. T. L., Tyrone County.

Attwood, John, Harwich. Cowper, Bon. W. Francis, Hertford.

1141111e, Col. Hugh Duncan, Honiton. Craig, William Gibson, jun., Edinburgh.

Bantle, Henry James, Inverness-shire. Crawford, William Sharman, Rochdale.

Enloe, Walter, Greenock. Cripps, William, Cirencester.

Baird, William, Falkirk, .tc. Currie, Raikes, Northampton-

Baldwin, Charles Barry, raffles. Curtels, Herbert Barrett, Rye.

Bannerman, Alexander, Aberdeen. Dalmeny, Lord,Stirling, d.

Barclay, David, *Sunderland. Dalrymple, Capt. John, Wighmshire.

Barkly, Henry, Leominster. Darner, CoL George, Portartington.

Baring, Rt. Hit. F. Thornhill, Portsmouth. Deadwood, George Henry, Wycombe.

Baring, Henry Bingham, Marlborough. Dawson, Hon. T. V., Louth County. Baring, Hon. William Bingham, The/ford. Denison, John Evelyn, Mallon.

Barnard, Edward George, Greenwich. Dennistoun, John, Glasgow.

Barron, Sir H. Winston, Bart., Waterford. D'Eyncourt, Right Hon. C. T., Lambeth.

Beckett, William, Leeds. Dickinson, Francis Henry, W. Somerset.

Benbow, John, Dudley. Divett, Edward, Exeter.

Berkeley, Hon. C. F., Cheltenham. Douglas, Sir C. Eurwiehe, Warwick.

Berkeley, Capt. M. F. F., Gloucester. Douro, Marquis of, Norwich.

Berkeley, Hon. F. H. F., Bristol. Drummond, Henry Home, Perthshire.

Bernal, Ralph, Weymouth. Dugdale, W. Stratford, N. Warwickshire.

Blake, Martin Joseph, Gahcay. Duke, Alderman Sir J. Boston.

Blewitt, Reginald J., Monmouth, AT. Duncan, George, Dundee.

Bodkin, William Henry, Rochester. Botfield, Beriah, Ludlow. Duncan, Viscount, Rath.

Duncannon, Viscount, Derby.

Bonverie, Hon. E. Pleydell, Kilmarnock. Duneombe, Thomas Slingsby, Finsbury. Bowes, John, S. Durham. Derides, Admiral J. W. D. Greenwich. Bowles, Rear-Admiral, Launceston. Damian, David, Sutherlanishire.

Bowring, John, LL.D., Bolton. Pandas, Hon. .T. C., Richmond, Yorkshire. Boyd, John, Coleraine. Eastilope, ffir John, Leicester. Bridgemen, Hewitt, Ennis. Eastnor, Viscount, Reigate. Bright, John, Durham City. Ebrington, Viscount, Plymouth. Breeklehurst, John, Macclesfield. Egerton, Lord Francis, S. Lancashire.

Brotherton, Joseph, Salford.

Egerton, William Tanen, N. Cheshire.

Browne, Robert Dillon, Mayo County. Ellice, Right Hon. Edward, Coventry. Browne, Hon. William, Kerry County. Ellice. E., jun. Crail, St. Andrew's, dt. Bruce, Lord Ernest, Marlborough. Ellis, Wynn, Leicester.

Elphinffinne, Howard, D.C.T., laws.

Buckley, E, Newcastle, Staffordshire.

Bulkeley, Sir R. Williams, Flint, Ay. Escott, Bickham, Winchester. Esmonde, Sir Thomas, Bart., Wexford.

Buller, Charles, junior, Liz/cord. Buller, Edward, Stafford. Estcourt, T. G. B., (Oford L'airersily.

Busneld, William, Bradford, Yorkshire. Etwall, Ralph, Andover.

Evans, Gen. Sir De Lacy, Westminster.

Batter, Col. Pierce, Kilkenny County.

Butler, Pierce Somerset, Kilkenny County. Evans, Williams, N. Derbyshire.

Ewart, William, Dufries.

Byng, George, Middlesex. tn

Feliden, William, Blackburn, Ilyng, Right Hon, G. S., Cltatham.

Cardwell, Edward, Clitheroe. Fielden, John, Oldham.

Carew, Hon. II. Shapland, Waterford Co. Ferguson, Lieut.-Col. Robert, Kirkaldy.

Carnegie, Hon. Swinfen T., Stafford. Ferguson, Sir Alex., Bart., Londonderry.

Cavendish, Hon. C. Compton, Youghall. Fitzgerald, R. A., Tipperary County.

Cavendish, Hon. G. IL, Derbyshire, Fitzroy, Hon. Henry, LGWG

Chapman, B. J., Westmeath County. Fitzroy, Lord Charles, Bury St. Edmunds.

Chichester, Lord John Ludford, Belfast. Fitzwiffiam, Hon. G. W., Peterborough.

Childers, John Walbanke, Mallon. Fleetwood, Sir Ilesketh, Bart, Preston.

Christie, William Dougal, Weymouth. Flower, Sir James, Bart., TheVord.

Clay, Sir William, Bart., Tower Hamlets. Forster, Matthew, Berwick. Clevaents, Lord, Leitrim County. Fox, Col. C. IL, Tower Hamlets. Clerk, Sir George, Bart., Stamford. Gibson, Thomas Milner, Manchester.

Clive, Hon. Robert Henry, S. Shropshire. Gill, Thomas, Plymouth. Cobden, Richard, Stockport. Glaborne, Thomas, junior, Nottingham.

Cockburn, Right Hon. Sir George, Ripon. Glynne,ffir 8. R., Bart., Flintshire. Dodson. Richard, Kidderminster. Gore, lion. Robert, New Ross.

Gore, Montague, Barnstaple.

Goulburn, Hon. H., Cambridge University. Graham, Sir James, Bart., Dorchester. Greene, Thomas, Lancaster.

Gregory, William Henry, Dublin City. Grey, Sir George, Bart., Devonport. Grimsditch, Thomas, Macclesfield. Grosvenor, Lord Robert, Chester. Guest, Sir J. J., Bart., Merthyr Tidril. Hall, Sir Benjamin, Bart., Marylebone. Hamilton, Lord Claude, Tyrone County. Hamilton, W. J., Newport, I. of Wight. Hanmer, SirJohn, Bart., Hull.

Hostie, Archibald, Paisley.

Hatton, Capt. V. F., We.rford County. Hawes, Benjamin, junior, Lambeth. Hay, Sir A. L., Elgin district of Burghs. Nayter, William Goodenough, Wells. Heathcoat, John, Tirerlon.

Herbert, Hon. Sidney, S. Wiltshire. Heron, Sir Robert, Bart., Peterborough. Hervey, Lord Alfred, Brighton. Hill, Lord Arthur Marcus C. Eveshans. Hindley; Charles, Ashron-rm:ier-Lyne. Hobhou9e, Sir John,Mart., Nottingham. Hogg, James Weir, Beverley.

Hope, George William, Southampton. Hornby, John, Blackburn.

Reisman, Edward, Cockermouth.

. Howard, Hon. C. W. E. Cumberland. Howard, Hon. J. Kenneth, Malmabury. Howard, Capt. E. G., Morpeth.

Howard. Philip Henry, Carlisle. Howard, Sir Ralph, Bt., Wicklow County. Hughes, William Bulkeley, Carnarcon. Hume, Joseph, Montrose, de.

Humphery, John Southwark. Hutt, William, John, James, William, E. Cumberland. Jerrnyn, Earl, Bury St. Edmunds.

Jervis, John Chester.

Jocelyn, Viscount, Lynn Regis. Johnstone, J. J. H., Duntfriesshire. Johnstone, Sir J. V. B., Bart., Scarborough. Kelly, Sir Fitzroy, Cambridge. Kirk, Peter, Carrickfergus. Labouchere, Eight Hon. Henry, Taunton. Lambton, Hedworth, North Durham. Langston, James Houghton, Oxford. Langton, Wm. Gore, E. Somersetshire. Laseelles, Hon. W. Sebright, Wakefield. Layer& Capt. Brownlow Villiers, Carlow. Leader, John Temple, Westminster.

Legh, George Cornwall, N. Cheshire. Lemon, Sir C., Bart., W. Cornwall.

Loch, James, Wick, Kirkwall, &c. -Lockhart, E. A., Selkirkshire. Lyall, George, London. - Macaulay, lit. Hon. B., Edinburgh. Mackinnon, W. Alexander, Lymington. Macnamara, W. Nugent, Clare County. M'Carthy, A., Cork. MaeGeachy, Forster Alleyne, Honiton. M'Nelll, Duncan, Argyleshire. M`Taggart, Sir John, Bart., Wigtosta, dr. Mahon, Viscount, Hertford. Mainwaring, Townshend, Denbigh. Mangles, Ross Donnelly, Guildford. MajorIbanks, Stewart, Ilythe. Marshall, William, Carlisle. Marsland, Henry, Stockport. Martin, C. W., Newport, Isle of Wight. Martin, John, Tewkesbury. Masterman, John, London. Matheson, James, Ashburton. Maule, Right Hon. Fox, Perth. Meynell, Capt., Lisburn. Milnm, Richard Monckton, Pontefract. Mitcalfe, Henry, Tynemouth. Mitchell, Thomas Alexander, Bridport. Moffat, George, Dartmouth. Molesworth, Sir W., Bart., Southwark. Morpeth, Lord, W. Riding of Yorkshire. Morris, David, Carmarthen. Morison,W., Claxkmannan & Kinross-shires Morison, James, Fortrose, Mostyn, Hon. E. M. L., Lichfield. Mintz, George Frederick, Birmingham. Napier, Commodore Sir C., Marylebone. Neville, Ralph, Windsor. Norreys, Sir D. J., Bart., Mallow. Northland, Viscount, Dungannon. 1P.Brien, Timothy, Cashel. O'Connell, Daniel, Cork County. O'Connell, John, Kilkenny. O'Connell, Maurice, Tralee. O'Connell, Morgan John, Berry County. O'Conor Don, the, Roscommon County. O'Ferrall, Richard More, Kildare County. Ord, William, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Oswald, Alexander, Ayrshire.

Aekers, James, Ludlow.

A.cland, Sir T., Bart., N. Devonshire. Acton, Col. William Wicklow County. Adore, Viscount, GillMarganshire. Adderley, C. Bowyer, N. Staffordshire. Alford, Viscount, Bedfordshire. Allis, J. Peter, Cambridgeshire. .Antrobus, Edmund, E. Surrey. Arbuthnot, Lt.-Gen. H., Kinatrdineshire. Arkwright, George, Leominster. .Astell, William, Bedfordshire. Attwood, Matthias, Whitehaven. Austen, Col. Thomas, Jr. Kent. Bagge, William, Jr. Noefoik. Begot, Hon. William, Denbighshire. Bailey, Joseph, Iforcester,

Bailey, Joseph, jun., Herefordshire. Baffle, William, Linlithgowshire. Balfour, J. Maitland, jun., Haddington. Ilankes, George, Dorsetshire. Baring, Thomas, Huntingdon. Barrington, Viscount, Berkshire. Baskervllie, T.11. Mynors, //ere:ford:hi/T. Bateson, Thomas, Londonderry County. Bell, Matthew, S. Northumberland, Bell,"Jolm, 771irek.

Bennett, John, S. Wiltshire. Bennett, Philip, jun., IV. Suffolk. Bentinek, Lord George, Lynn Regis.

Oswald, James, Glasgow.

Owen, Sir John, Bart., Pembrokeshire. Paget, LieuL-Col. Frederick, Beaumaris. Paget, Lord Alfred Henry, Lichfield. Paget, Lord William, Andover. Palmerston, Viscount, Ticerton.

Parker, John, Sheffield.

Patten, John Wilson, N. Lancashire. Petrillo'', James. London.

Pechell, Capt. George Richard, Brighton. Peel, Colonel Jonathan, Huntingdon. Peel, Sir Robert, Bart., Tamworth. Pendarvm. E. W. Wynne, Jr. Cornwall. Pennant, Hon. E. G., Carnarvonshire. Philipps, Sir R., Bart., Harafordicest. Philips, George Richard, Poole.

Philips, Mark, Manchester.

Philipotts, John, Gloucester.

Plgot, Hon. David Richard, ClonnieL Plumildge, Capt. II., Penryn & Falmouth. Polhill, Frederick, Bedford.

Power, James, Wesford County.

Praed, W. Tyringham, St. lees, Cornwall. Price, Sir Robert, Burt., Hereford. Protheroe, Edward, Junior, Halifax. Pryae, Pryse, Cardigan.

Puisford, Robert, Henford.

Bowdon, Lieut.-Col-1. D., Armagh. Redington, Thomas Nicholas, Dundalk. Reid, Col. George Alexander, Windsor. Reid, Sir John Rue, Bart., Dora. Roebuck, John Arthur, Bath.

Ross, David Robert, Belfast.

Rumbold, Charles Edmund, Yarmouth. Russell, J. 1). Watts, N. Staffordshire. Russell, Lord Edward, Taristock.. Russell, Lord John, London.

Sandon, Viscount, Liverpool.

Scott, Robert, Walsall.

Scrope, George Poulett, Stroud.

Seymour, Lord, Tomes.

Seymour, Sir H. Beauchamp, Antrim. Shelburne, Earl of, Caine.

Smith, Benjamin, Norzrkh.

Smith, John Abel, Chichester.

Smith, Hon. IL Vernon, Northampton. Smythe, Hon. G. A., Canterbury. Smollett, Alexander, Dumbartonshire. Somers, John Patrick, Sligo.

Somerton, Viscount, Wilton.

Somerville, Sir W. M., Bart., Drogheda. Stanley, Hon. William Owen, Anglesey. Stanstield, W. 11. Crompton, Huddersfield. Stanton, William Henry, Stroud. Staunton, Sir G. T., Bart., Portsmouth. Stewart, John, Lymington.

Stewart, Patrick Maxwell, Renfrewshire. Stuart, Lord P. J. H. Crichton, Ayr, &c. Stuart, Henry, Bedford.

Strickland, Sir George, Bart., Preston. Strutt, Edward, Derby.

Sutton, Hon. H. T. 'Manners, Cambridge. Tancred, Henry William, Banbury. Thesiger, Sir Frederick, Abingdon. Thondey, Thomas, Wolverhampton. Tollemache, Hon. F. James, Grantham. Tomlin°, George, Shrewsbury.

Townley, John,l3ererley.

Trail; George, Caithness-shire.

Trelawny, John Salusbury, Tavistock. Trench, Sir Frederick, Scarborough. Trouhridge, Sir E. T., BarL, Sandwich. Tutbell, Henry, Devonport.

Turner, Edmund, Truro.

Vane, Lord H. G., S. Durham.

Vernon, GrauvMe Harcourt, E. Re/ford. Villiers, Viscount, Cirencester.

Villiers, Hon. C. P., Wolrerhamplon. Vivian, Hon. J. C., Penryn and Falmouth. Vivian, John Henry, Swansea.

Wakley, Thomas, Finsbury.

Walker, Richard, Bury, Lancashire. Wall, Charles Baring, Guildford. Warburton, Henry, Kendal.

Ward, Henry George, Sheffield.

Wawn, John Twizell, South Shields. Wellesley, Lord Charles, S. Hampshire. White, Samuel, Leitrim County. Whitmore, Thomas Charlton, Bridgenorth. Wilde, Sir Thomas, Worcester.

Williams, William, Coventry.

Wilshere. William, Yarmouth. Winnington, Sir T. E, Bart., Handley. Wood, Charles, Halifax.

Wood, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, Middlesex. Wood, Col. Thomas, Breconshire. Wortley, Hon. J. S., Rules/lire. Wrightson, W.,B.,Northatiertcm. Wynn, C. W. W., Montgomeryshire. Wyse, Thomas, Waterford.

Young, John, Cavan County.

Yorke, Henry Redhead, York.

Beresford, William, Harwich.

Biackburne, John Ireland, Warrington. Blackstone, W. Seymour, Wallingford. Boldero, Capt. H. G., Chippenlirms. Borthwick, Peter, &aborts.

Bradshaw, James, Canterbury. Bramston, T. William, S. Essex.

Brim°, Slusgrave, Hastings. Broadiey, H., E. Riding of Yorkshire. Broadwood, Henry, Bridgewakr. Brooke, Lord, S. Warwickshire Brooke, Sir A. Brinsley, Bart., Fermanagh. Bmwmigg, John Studholme, Boston. Bruce, C. Lennox C., Elginsh. & Nairnsh. Bruen, Colonel Henry, Carlow County. Bruges, William Heald Ludlow, Devises. Buck, Lewis William, N. Devonshire. Buller, Sir J. B. Y., Bart., B. Devonshire. Bunbury, Thomas, Carlow County. Burroughes, Henry Negus, E. Norfolk. Campbell, Sir H. P. H., Bt., Berwickshire. Carew, Wm. Henry Pole, E. Cornwall. CasUereagh, Viscount, Down County. Cayley, E. S., N. Riding of Yorkshire. Chandos, Marquis of, Buckingham. Chapman. Aaron, Whitby.

Chelsea, Viscount, Reading. Cho)mondely, Hon. Hugh, Montgomery. Christopher, R. Adam, N Lincolnshire. MINORITY FOR MR. *SHLEs'S AmENDMENT, THAT THIS HOUSE WILL UPON THIS DAY SLC MONTHS RESOLVE ITSELF INTO THE SAID COMMITTEE." Churchill, Lord A. Spencer, Woodstock. Chute, Wm. Lyde Wiggett, Jr. Norfolk. Clayton, Rice Richard, Aylesbury. Clifton, John Talbot, N. Lancashire. Cllve, Viscount, lfr. Shropshire. Codrington, Sir C. W, Bt., E. Gloucestersh. Cole, Hon. Henry Arthur, Enniskillen. Collett, William Bickford, Lincoln. Colquhoun, J. C., Newcastle, Staffordshire. Colville, Charles Robert, S. Derbyshire. Compton, Henry Combe, S. Hampshire. Conolly, Col. E. M., Donegal County. Coote, Sir C. H., Bart., Queen's Cour.ty. Courtenny, Lord, South Devonshire. Davies, D. A. S., Carmarthenshire. Deedes, William, E. Kent.

Denison, E. B., Jr. Riding of Yorkshire. Dick, Quintin, Malden:.

Disraeli, Benjamin, Shrewsbury. Dodd, George, Maidstone.

Douglas, Sir Howard, Bart., Liverpool. Douglas, J. Douglas Stoddart, Rochester. Drax, J. S., Wareham.

Duckworth, Sir J. T. B., Bart., Exeter. Dancombe, Capt. Hon. A., E. Redford. Buncombe, Hon. 0., N. Riding of Yorksh. Dupre, C. G., Buclinghamshire. East, James Buller, Winchester. Egerton, Sir Philip, Bart., S. Cheshire. Emlyn, Viscount, Pembrokeshire, Entwistle, William, S. Lancashire. Farnham, E. Basil, N. Leicestershire. Feliowes, Edward, Huntingdonshire. Ferrand, W. Buribild, Knaresborough. Filmer, Sir Edmund, Bart., W Kent. Finch, demos, Rullandshire.

Fitzmaurice, Hon.W. E., Buckinghamshire. Moyer, John, Dorsetshire, Ffolllott, John, Sligo County.

Forbes, William, Stirlingshire.

Forester Hon. G. Cecil Weld, Wenlock. Fox, Saekvilie Lane, Ipswich.

Frewen, C. H., E. Sussex.

Fuller, Augustus Elliott, E. Sussex. Gardner, John Dunn, Bodmin. Gaskell, James Idilnes, Wenlock. Gladstone, John Neilson, Ipswich. Gooch, EL., E. Suffolk.

Gordon, Capt. Hon. W., Aberdeen.shire. Gore, William Ormsby, N. Shropshire. Gore, W. 11. 0., Sligo County.

Goring, Charles, New Shoreham. Granby, Marquis of, Stamford. Grogan Edward, Dublin City.

Bale, Robert Blagden, W. Gloucestershire. Fialford, Sir 11., Bart., S. Leicestershire. Hall, Colonel, Buckingham.

Halsey, Thomas Plumer, Herts. Hamilton, G. A. Dublin University. Hamilton, James Hans, Dublin County. Harcourt, George Granville, Oxfordshire. Harris, Hon. E. A. J., Christchurch. Hayes, Sir E. S., Bart., Donegal County. Heathcote, Gilbert John, Itertlandshire. Heathcote, Sir William, N. Hampshire. Heneage, Edward, Great Grimsby. Heneage, G. H. Walker, Devises. Henley, Joseph Warner, Oxfords/sire. Hill, Lord A. E., County of Down.; Hind% J. Hodgson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Hodgsolt, Frederick, Barnstaple. Hodgson, Richard, Berwick-on-Tweed, Holmes, Hon. W. IL, Isle of Wight. Hope, A. James Beresford, Maidstone. Hope, Sir John, Bart., Edinburgh County. Hoskins, Kedgwin, Herefordshire. Hotham, Lord, E. Riding of Yorkshire. Houldsworth, T., N. W. Nottinghamshire. Howard, Hon. Henry Thomas, Cricklade. Hudson, George, Sunderland.

Hurst, Robert Henry, Horsham. Hussey, Thomas, Lyme Regis.

Ingestre, Viscount, South Staffordshire. Inglis, Sir 11. H., Bart., Oxford Univ. Irton, Samuel, Wert Cumberland. Jolliffe, Sir W. G. H., Bart., Petersfield. Jones, Capt. T., Londonderry County. Kemble Henry, East Surrey.

Kerrison, Sir E., Bart., Eye.

Knight, F. W., Jr. Worcestershire. Knightley, Sir C., S. Northamptonshire. Law, Hon. C. Ewan, Cambridge Univ.

ABSENT FROM Alexander, Nathaniel, Antrim County. Archbold, Robert, Kildare County. Archdall, Capt. M., Fermanagh County. Armstrong, Sir A., BL, King's County. Arundel and Surrey, Earl of, Arundel. Barneby, John, E. Worcestershire. Bell, /1. Montesquieu, Louth County. Berkeley, Hn. G. C. 0. F., Jr. Gloucestersh. Bernard, Viscount, Barulonbridge. Blake, Sir Valentine, Bart., Galway. Blakemore, Richard, Wells, Somerset. Bodkin, John James, Galway County. Burrell, Sir C., Bart., New Shoreham. Callaghan, Daniel, Cork.

Campbell, John Henry, Salisbury. Cooper, Hon. A. H. A., Dorchester. Cresswell, A. J. B., N. Northumberland. Denison, William Joseph, W. Surrey. Howdeswell, William, Tewkesbury. Duff, James, Banffshire.

Betides, Frederick, Grimy and Selland. Eaton, R. Jefferson, Cambridgeshire. Forman, Thomas Seaton, Bridgewater. French, Fitzstephen, Roscommon County. Granger, Thomas Colpitts, Durham City. Grattan, Henry, Meath County. Hallyburton, Lord J. F. G., Fialarshire. Hardy, John, Bradford.

Hamilton, Capt. C. J. B., Aylesbury. Hampden, Renn, Great Marlow. Hepburn, Sir T. B., Hadclingtonshire. Hiltlyard, T. B. T., S. Nottinghamshire •

Holiond, Robert, Hastings. ' Hussey, Ambrose, Salisbury. James Sir Walter Charles, Bart., /7/i/l. Johnson, Gen, William Augustus, Oldham. Kelly, James, Limerick City. Her, David Stewart, Downpatrivk. Lindsay, Hugh Hamilton, Sandwich. Lindsay, Hon. James, Wigan. Lawson, Andrew, Knaraborough I.efroy, Anthony, Longford Courily. Lennox, Lord II., Chichester.

Leslie, C. P., Monaghan County.

Liddell, Hon. H. Thomas, N. Durham. Lockhart, William, Lanarkshire. Long, Walter. N. Wiltshire.

Lopes, Sir Ralph, Bart., Westbury. Lowther, Hon. H. Cecil, Wesimoretand. Lowther, Sir John Henry, Bart., York. Lygon, Hon. H. B., 1E Worcestershire_ Mackenzie, T., Ross and Cromartyshires. Mackenzie, W. Forbes, Peeblesshire. Maclean, Donald, Oxford.

Manners, Ld.C. Somerset, N.Leicestershire. Manners, Lord John, Newark.

March, Earl of, W. SILTSCX.

Martin, T. Barnwell, Galway County. . Marton, George, Lancaster.

Maunsell, Philip, N. Northamptonshire.

Maxwell, Hon. James Pierce, Cavan. ' Miles, Philip William Skynner, Bristol. Mlles, Willfalls, B. Somersetatire. Morgan, Swinnerton, Monmouthshire. Muntlay, Edward Miller, S. Derbyshire. Neeld, John, Crickkteli.

Neeld, Joseph, Chippenhatn.

Newdigate, C. N., if. Warwickshire. Newport, Viscount, S. Shropshire. Norreys, Lord, Oxfordshire.

O'Brien, A. Stafford, N. Northamptonshire. Ossuiston, Lord, N. Northumberland. Packe, Charles William, S. Leicestershire. Packington, John Somerset, Dmitri**. Palmer, George, S. Essex.

Palmer. Robert, Berkshire.

Pigot, Sir Robert, Bart., Bridgnorth. Plumptre, John Pemberton, E. Kent. -

Pollington, Viscount, Pontefract. . Powell, Col. W. E.' Cardiganshire. Price, Richard, Rat/nor.

Pusey, Philip, Berkshire.

Rashleigh, William, jun., E. Cornwall. Rendlesham, Lord, E. Suffolk. }lepton, G. William John, St. Albans. Richards, Richard, Merionethshire. Rolleston, Lancelot, S.E. Nottinghamshire. Round, Charles Gray, N. Essex. Round, John,..Maldon.

Russell, Charles, Reading. V . Ryder, Hon. 0.0., Hertfordshire. f Sanderson, Richard, Colchester.

Scott, Hon. Francis, Iloxburghshire. Seymer, H. K., Horse:shire.

Shaw, Hon. F., Dublin University. Sheppard, Thomas, Frame.

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Shaftesbury. Shirley, Evelyn John,. S. Warwickshire. Shirley, Evelyn Philip, Monaghan County • Sibthorp, Col. C., Lincoln.

Smith, Abel, Hertfordshire.

Smythe, Sir G. Henry, Bart., Colchester. Sotheron' T.H. Sutton, N. Wiltshire. Spooner, Richard, Birmingham.

Spry, Sir Samuel Thomas, Bodmin. Stanley, Edward, W. Csanberland. Stuart, John, Newark-on-Trent.

Taylor, James Arthur, E. Worcestershire. Taylor, Thomas Edward, Dublin County:. Thompson, Alderman W., Westmoreland. ThornhW, George, Huntingdonshire. Tollemache, John, S. Cheshire.

Tower, Christopher, Buckinghamshire. Trollope, StrJohn, Bart., S. Lincolnshire. Trotter, John, W. Surrey. Turnor,.Christopher, S. Lincolnshire. Tyrell, Sir John Tyssen, Bart., N. Essex. Verner, Colonel William, Armagh County. Vesey, Hon. Thomas, Queen's County. Vivian, John Ennis, Truro.

Vyse, Captain, S. Northamptonshire. Vyvyan, Sir R. Rawlinson, Bart., Helstone. Waddington, Harry Spencer, Jr. Suffolk. Walpole, Spencer H., Midhurst.

Walsh, Sir John Bonn, Bart., Radnorshire. Welby, Glynne Earle, Grantham. Wodehouse, Edmund, E. Norfolk. Worcester, Marquis of, E. Gloucestershire. Worsley, Lord, N. Lincolnshire. Wyndham, Col. Charles, JP: n'ussex. Wynn, Sir W. W., Bart., Denbighshire. Yorke, Hon. E. T., CambrWgeshire.


Listowel, Earl of, St. Albans. Maher, Nicholas, Tipperary County.

Maitland, Thomas, Kirkcudbrightshire.

Mlldmay, St. John, Southampton. . Morgan, Morgan Robinson, Brecon. Newry, Viscount, Newry.

Niche% Hon. John, Cardiff, &c.

O'Brien, Cornelius, Clare County. O'Brien, John, Limerick City.

O'Brien, William Smith, Limerick County. Ogle, S. C. H., S. Northumberland. Osborne, Ralph Bernal, Wycombe. Ponsonby, Hon. C. F., Poole.

Powell, Caleb, Litnerick County.

Ricardo, John Lewis, Stoke-upon-Trent. - Rice. Edward Royd, Dover.

Roche, Edmund Burke, Cork County. Rutherfurd, Hon. Andrew, Leith, &c. Shell, Hon. H. Lalor,.Dungarvon. Somerset, Lord G., Monmouthshire. Standish, Charles, Wigan. Stuart, W. Villiers, Waterford County. Talbot, C. R. M., Glamorganshire. Trevor, Hon. G. R. R., Carmarthenshire. Tulte, Hugh Morgan, Westmeath County. Watson, William Henry, Q.C., Kinsale. Wemyss, Capt. James Erskine, Fifeshire, Westenra, Hon. J. C., King's Chun* White, Colonel Henry, Longford County. Williams, Thomas Peers, Great Markin.


Brie/port 1 Mayo County 1 Nottinghamshire, North-west . I Ripon 1 Sudbury 2