28 FEBRUARY 1846, Page 6


An Anti-War meeting was held at Glasgow on Tuesday evening. Reso- lutions deprecating war under any pretence, and expressing the deter- mination of the meeting to suffer the penalties of the Militia Act rather than serve as soldiers, were passed. Mr. Smeal, a member of the Society of Friends, was lathe chair; and speeches were delivered by the Reverend George Jeffrey, Mr. Malcolm Macfarlane, Mr. H. C. Wright, Mr. Ebe- nezer Anderson, Mr. Baird, and others.

The students attending the University at Glasgow have been dis- turbing the peace and bringing themselves into difficulties, by demolishing a barrier intended to deprive the public of a right of way through a nar- row passage between two streets. A number of the young men were ap- prehended and fined. Squabbles, though not attended by serious C011158- quences, have since taken place between the students and the police.

A man and two boys have been killed in a coal-pit at Whitletts, near Ayr, by an explosion of fire-damp. The work of ventilation by means of fanners had been neglected for a little while: and some uncovered lights being brought into the mur, the foul air exploded.