28 FEBRUARY 1852, Page 11


STOOK EXCHANGR, FRIDAY Arrsameas. The English Stock Market has continued steady during the whole week. When the probable accession of Lord Derby to office was known on Monday., Consols rose from 97 to 97t, and the price has since fluctuated between 97 and 97k; closing this afternoon at 97k1. The business transactions have not been important; as may be inferred from the absence of fluctuation. Money as abundant as ever, and no alteration in the Bank rate of discount. In the Foreign Market, the business has been chiefly confined to South American Stocks; which have all been in the ascendant. Peruvian Active Stock has reached 103, and the Deferred Stock 51. It is stated that the sales of guano on account of the Peruvian Government have been for the last two months more than double the amount sold during the corresponding period of last year: thus while the dividend for the current years sure to be provided for there will probably be a considerable addition to the amount of the sinking- fund. Grenada Deferred Stock has also advanced; closing this afternoon at to 10. The notice issued by the Spanish Government as to the intended paying off the Indemnity Bonds, is taken as an indication of increased financial re- sources. Spanish Stock of all kinds is consequently. firmer. Nothing of im- portance has occurred in Mexican Bonds, which have been steady between 321 and 33. Portuguese Four per Cents have also continued firm, with but few transactions. The Bonds of the Portuguese Five per Cent Loan of 1824 have improved nearly 5 per cent; the prices baying reached 93. It is un- derstood that these Bonds will be redeemed at par in the course of l&53; the Brazilian Treasury being in a sufficiently flourishing state to render the operation! certain. It will be recollected that this loan was assumed by Brazil upon the separation of that country from Portugal. The Dutch and Belgian Securities are without material change. Both varieties of Russian Stock are well supported; but the transactions have not been important. Railway Shares are all firmer : the rime in the prices of the principal va- rieties may be stated at from 1/. to 3/. This latter advance has only occurred in one instance—that of the Lancashire and Yorkshire, of which the traffic- returns continue to be extremely favourable. With this exception, however, the returns recently published do not show so large an increase as for some wevious weeks, while on some of the lines a decline is observable. The French Shares continue in demand, and there are but few of the principal varieties on the market; the dealers haring found much difficulty in E01120 cases to provide shares for delivery upon the settlement of the account today.


The English Funds are steady at yesterday's prices, with but little busi- ness doing; Consols being 97k 1: In the Foreign Market, business has been. almost entirely confined to South American and Mexican Stock, which con- tinue in demand. The Grenada Deferred Boucle opened at ICI, and have since reached lot. Mexican Bonds have been done at 33 and 33k. The other Foreign Funds are without change. The Railway Share Market is firm ; the following are the principal transactions—Caledonian 16i ; North- western, 1161 ex d.; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 69a.; Midland, 57/ I.


The English Funds close at the morning's prices, without the oceurrence of any business of importance. In the Foreign Market, some very large business has occurred in South American Stocks, every description of which have been in demand at improved prices. The most remarkable advance has been in Buenos Ayres Stock, which has risen 3f per cent. Every one of this description of Stocks is considerably4/ higher. Brazilian, 97; Buenos Ayres, 53f 57; Danish Five per Cents, 1041; Equador, 5 5; Grenada, 221 4f 5/ 41 I ; Ditto Deferred, lot i 1 f f ; Mexican, 33k; Peruvian, 104k; Ditto Deferred, 511 551; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 1021; Sardi- nian, 89; Spanish Active, 24; Ditto May 1844, 211; Ditto May 1846, 20k; Ditto 1847, 20k; Deferred, 184 1; Venezuela Deferred, 15. The Railway Share Market Is firmer, and most of the current varieties are either at the quotations of yesterday or at advanced prices. The following are the principal transactions—Bristol and Exeter, 85 41 ; Caledonian, 161 f /.._f /1; Eastern Counties, n I ex div.; East Lancashire, 161 I I ; Great Western, 861 f 6 I ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 691 81 9181 9k; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 931 1; London and North-western, 116t I f f ; London and South-western, 851 6; Midland, 571 f I ; North British, 6k; South-eastern, 201; York and North Midland, 211; Central of France, (Or- leans and Vierzon,) 20k; Northern of France, 19k; Paris and Rouen, 251.

3 per Cent Consols 97 Danish 3 per Cents 76 8 Ditto for Account 97 Dutch 21 per Cents 581 91 3 per Cent Reduced 97 98 Ditto 4 per Cents 911 2 31 per Cents 99 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 ... 321 3

.. -Long Annuities 7 -16 Peruvian 6 per Cents 103 5

Bank Stock 2181 191 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.. 321 31 Exchequer Bills 60 63 pin. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 93 5 India Stock 259 Russian 5 per Cents 113 15

Brazilian 5 per Cents 95 7 Ditto 41 per Cents 1011 21

Belgian 41 per Cents 90 2 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 2 Chilian 6 per Cents 103 105 Dittos per Cents 1842 411 Danish 5 per Cents 103 5 Sardinian Bonds 89

£32,416,745 £32,416,745


Proprietors' Capital £14,663,000 Government Securitits

Rest 3,280,870 eluding Dead Weight Amiuityl £13,550,532 Public Deposits' 6,392,181 Other Securities 10,979.830 Other Deposits 11,916,013 Notes 12,229,325 Seven Day and other Bills-- 1,148,958 Gold and Silver Coin 631,283 £37,281,022 £37,291,022 Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks,Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts.

BANE OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 21st day of Feb. 1862. mace DEPAILTICENT.

£32,416,745 Government Debt £11,015,144 Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 18,383,370 Silver Bullion 33,375 . Notes bsued